Chapter 6: Going Back Home And Things Get Worse

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So finally we get everything ready to go for the trip back home. I was so happy about it. I mean we were going back home and I could see my friends again. Once we had everything loaded up and ready to go. We start our drive home. But mom couldn't make it much longer because of how long it was going to take her to drive back home. So we stayed at a hotel for a night before we made it home.

Once we got home Genmarie was waiting for us. I was so happy to see her that I ran to her and threw my arms around her. We were both laughing and crying on seeing each other again. Things were going to look up for us. It took us a while to get everything situated again. It felt really weird enrolling back to my old school. Being the new kid again.

Even though I've been going to that school since freshmen year. But still I was happy. So finally I started school again and I saw that I would have drama classes. I was scared because I didn't think I would be good at it. But I had no choice on picking that class. Because I knew I couldn't do the other classes.

But I'm glad that I took drama class. Because I ended up having fun in that class. At first I wasn't good at it. Because I was really shy and I couldn't act to save my life. But thanks to that class I met new friends and stayed with my old friends. We came up with weird stuff to act out on. Like we did Cinderella meets Jerry Springer. Prince Charming was going to tell Cinderella that he was gay.

I played one of the step sisters. Everyone started to laugh. Then we did Dan Cook's B&E and everyone couldn't stop laughing even more. So it wasn't all that bad. It was coming close to all of us graduating high school. I was finally going to have that happened for me! I mean it's always been something I've dreamed about. Now that dream was finally coming true.

So finally it's close to graduating day and I'm both nervous and excited. Genmarie did my hair and makeup and I had my cap and gown ready to go. My dogs got scared when they saw me in my cap and gown. I couldn't help but laugh at how cute they looked when I tried to pet them they ran away.
It was like 5am in the morning and we had to be ready for the graduating ceremony. Well I had to, Genmarie would be graduating next year. So finally I was ready to go. I was wearing all black and I had a blue cap and gown. Sarah gave me a ride to the place and it was so much fun. When we got there I was so nervous about the ceremony.

But I knew I could do it. Once my name got called I walked down to the aisle and I tripped over the stairs while trying to walk up them. Everyone laughed and people started to see my underwear. I was so embarrassed by it! But finally it was over with. I went to go meet up with my mom and my friends. But my brother had to ruin the moment.

He kept saying that he didn't want to be here that he wanted to leave and go home. I was like what the hell? It's my graduation day! I've worked hard to get here! I would stay at the school from 8:00am-5:00pm trying to catch up on stuff.

I'm going to do an update on everything that happened I missed a few things on saying. So before I finish up my graduation ceremony. Here's an update. I got to do battle of the books again. But we lost again it really sucked big time I felt like a bad captain to them. Also when Genmarie was helping me get ready for graduation I ran away from her because she tried to put earrings on me but I wouldn't let her. I ran to the bathroom. Also one more story I have to tell before I go back to the story.

One time with my best friends there was the six of us. We were going to the movies because Lorren worked at the movie theater at the time. She was allowed to bring friends and let us in for free. Well we were out eating before the movie started up. We were all sitting together and having fun. When out of nowhere Lorren decided to talk about porn.

How guys like it a lot but so do girls as well. We were discussing it so seriously that we scared our waitress away. It was so funny! Then this other time while I was sleeping I felt someone pin me down on the bed. I couldn't move. I looked up and saw that there was no one on me. But I still felt someone keeping me down. I found out later that our old house was haunted.

I actually believe in ghosts. Because I've seen them before a lot of the time. Also I have a lot of siblings since my brother and sister are my half brother and sister. Turns out there is fourteen of us all! I didn't get to meet all of them. But still that's a lot! But that's to be expected. Now back to the graduation ceremony.

After trying to find mom in the rain and running around in a skirt and Eric trying to chase after me. To keep me from getting wet because he had an umbrella. So finally we found mom and we went to Cici's pizza and had fun. I just ignored my brother because I got tired of him trying to ruin my mood. So it was great and I was really happy.

So I was planning on going to college I really was. But something came up and I had to put it to the side. My mom found out that she had breast cancer. She was going to need to have the surgery soon and she needed someone to take care of her. I was the only one who could. So that's what I did I took cared of everything mom needed to be done.

Finally it came for the time for her to have her surgery. It was really early in the morning it was still dark out. I made myself get up and get ready to go with her. Mom needed someone to take her to the hospital. I offered to drive but of course mom wouldn't let me. Not since she found out. That I drove over our mail box with one of my friends car.

I didn't mean for it to happen! It just did. Also mom wouldn't even let me practice driving. When I took drivers Ed in high school. She told us to do our homework all the time. So when I try to do my homework? Mom wouldn't let me. I was so upset about it too. I failed my drivers Ed class because mom wouldn't let me practice.

Well anyways Genmarie's mother offered to drive us to the hospital so she did. I ended up falling asleep in the waiting area I was curled up in a tight ball too and covered myself up. The doctor scared the shit out of me when he came to see me a few hours later when mom was out of the surgery room.

So I went and saw her and I almost cried because she looked so frail there. So I helped her up and get her dressed when she was ready to be out of the hospital. So I helped her out and we headed to home. So my mom was on heavy duty drugs. They make her act like a kid I swear.

Well my mom is a smoker (though I don't like to smoke) she wanted to smoke this one time. But I wouldn't let her because she was falling asleep all over the place I even found her sleeping on the toilet. But she got mad at me so I gave in and gave her the stupid cigarette and when I went to go and check on her a minute later? The cigarette was on the bed and it almost started a fire.

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