Chapter 12

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Today I had another date with Xavier. I loved are date last week. It was lots of fun.

Today he said he was going to surprise me. So I have no idea where we are going.

I put on a blue tank top with a baggy blue tea shirt over it with black skinny jeans. I brush my hair and put clips in it to pull back the frizz. I then put on light eye shadow with mascara. I also put on a little bit of lip gloss. I didn't put lip stick on just in case if we kiss I don't want to stain his lips.

He then knocks on my door.

I open it.

He's holding flowers.

I smile and take the flowers.

"Thanks they are beautiful." I smell them smiling.

"They're not as beautiful as you," he smiles.

"Aw thanks."

I set the flowers In a vase and we leave.

"Turn some music on if you would like." He says pointing to the radio.

I shake my head," remember last time."

"Oh yeah, never mind." He lets out a nervous laugh.

"So... where are we going??"

"Somewhere awesome."

"Why can't you just tell me?"

"Because its a surprise."

"Uhg." I slump into my seat.

About an hour later we were parked in a packed parking lot.

I get out and frown. "A baseball game?"

"Yeah, don't you like baseball?"


"Yeah," I lie.

Oh my gosh he's a baseball fan. I hate sports. I only like soccer and basketball a little. What am I going to do? I'm going to be so bored during this game that its not even funny! I already feel like I could fall asleep just by thinking about it. I have always hated baseball. I don't understand how it's a sport to be honest. I know most people love it but I'm not like most people.

"Come on let's get a seat."

"Okay?" I try to give a fake smile to pretend I appreciate him spending almost a hundred dollars on me to watch a stupid baseball game.

I feel so bad.

We sit down on the very top of the bleachers.

I look at the field and zone off.

I could here people hollering clapping and I was just still.

"I'm loving this game!!!" Xavier yells in excitement.

"Yeah, me too," I lie again.

To be honest I don't even know how to play baseball. I don't get how they get points or anything. That's probably why I hate it so much.

The ball goes flying and it hits me in the face.


I hold an ice pack to my face as me and Xavier are driving back to my college.

"Ow," I groan in pain.

"I'm so sorry Madison," Xavier says the 100th time.

"It's okay it wasn't really your fault." I say in pain.

"Sorry." He drops me off.

"Bye," I jump out of his truck.

I wish I didn't even go on this stupid date. It wasn't worth it. I got hurt!

I get to my room and lay on my bed.

I grab a new ice pack and look into the mirror. It can't be that ba... Oh my Jesus its like my eye is a plum. Ew! I guess it looks like how it feels. I didn't know my eye would look like that. Ewww!

Someone knocks on my door. I answer the door.

Cody's pov~

"MADISON, what happened to you?" I ask.

"Bad date," she says frowning.

"What? What happened?" I say in a worried voice.

"No well I went to a baseball game with Xavier and I got hit in the face by the ball."

"Ouch. Why did you go to a baseball game? They're boring." I let out a yawn. Just thinking about baseball makes me tired.

"Well to be honest I hate baseball, it's the worst sport ever. I wish I skipped this date. I just thought Xavier was really cute and I've been single for like so long."

Oh she thinks Xavier is cute? I bet she thinks I'm cuter. Right? Who am i kidding of course she thinks I'm hot!

"But why are you here?" Madison asks suspicious why I just stopped by.

"Oh I was wondering if you got the writing notes all down?" I make up a excuse for walking to her room. I really just wanted a reason to talk to her. She makes me smile well today I was frowning because I was worried about her eye.

"Oh, yeah." She hands me her notes.


"Well bye," she almost closes her door on me.

"Wait would you like to go grab some food with me from the lobby? I'm starving." I ask hoping she will say yes.

"Sure, I could use some food. I haven't ate since earlier." She pats her stomach.

"Yeah... Do you wanna wear my sunglasses to cover up your swullen eye so people don't assume you were beaten up like I did." I ask pulling off my sunglasses from my head.

"Sure," she takes the sunglasses and puts them on.

"You look cute in them," I accidentally let the word slip. Oh no!

"Ha... Thanks." Madison smiles.

I can see her cheeks turning a light pink. Aw was she blushing because of me?

We eat lunch in the lobby and talk about our classes and work.

"I have to go," I say frowning," sorry!"

"Why?" Madison asks also frowning.

Aw she doesn't want me to go.

"My girlfriend text me. She wants to got on a date" I say than walk away.

"Bye," I here Madison yell behind me, I give her a small wave then keep on walking.

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