Chapter 37- Medicine

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"I don't need that much" Calum whined as I lightly dusted a bit of powder onto his face before one of their interviews. I rolled my eyes as this has become such a norm over the past couple of days. I'd basically try to do what I was meant to be doing only to have Calum oppose me at every corner.

"It's not a lot my darling but, I'm done so stop whining" I say, fixing his hair in the process. A frown settled onto his face as he glanced at his reflection in the mirror.

"Is all this really necessary?" He questions, with a cute expression falling onto his face. A smile tugged at my lips as I stared back at his reflection.

"If it were up to me I wouldn't be putting any of this stuff on your face. However, it's required cause you guys are big pop stars now" I tease, lightly smacking his cheeks before moving onto Luke who has been patiently waiting to get his hair done this entire time.

Grabbing some hair moose I quickly put some onto my hand before getting to work on Luke's hair. His hair was much easier to manage now considering he dropped his signature quiff for a much shorter look. One which I absolutely loved. It made him look more manly rather than boyish. Not that I didn't love him before but..okay I should stop now.

"You're so good at that" he commented, startling me out of my thoughts. Looking up at his reflection in the mirror, I gulped. His blue eyes gazed so intently at me, making me feel like I was in somewhat of a trance. Luke hadn't been kidding when he promised that he was going to make me admit my feelings for him.

I don't know...really. I don't know how I felt. Obviously I had feelings for them both ..but..sighing I forced myself to turn away from Luke and focus on fixing him as fast as I possibly could.

Moving on to his face I couldn't help but smile. He was so fucking perfect...

"Aren't you going to put any makeup on me?" He asks, his fingers lightly gripping onto my wrist. My heart instantly pounded in my chest, I could literally hear the sound of my heart working overtime to pump blood around my body all because of Luke's touch.

Taking a deep breath I softly applied a tiny bit of makeup, enough to conceal his "imperfections". That was just the thing though. To me the occasional pimple only reminded me of how perfect he was.

"You are perfect without it" I found myself muttering under my breath, voicing my previous thoughts. His eyes stayed on me a smile tugging at his lips at my comment. I literally didn't mean to say it out loud but I didn't exactly regret it either.

"So are you" he breathed, his thumb now grazing my bottom lip. I felt like he did that quite often, he'd always find a way to make contact with my lips...just never with his own. The feeling always made me uneasy and nervous. Id sometimes find myself craving to feel his lips on my own, something which made me feel so fucking horrible considering I wasn't exactly single.

"Are you going to look at the interview and performance?" He questions, his eyes focusing on my lips as he continued to trace them with the pad of his thumb.

"Yeah" I squeak out , somehow finding myself now situated in between his thighs , his hands now placed onto my waist. Thankfully there was no one here considering everyone was already dressed and prepped for their performance.

"Make sure you do okay?" He says, intertwining our hands as his eyes fixed on my own. I furrowed my brow in response. Why was he so intent on me looking on?

"I will don't worry" I found myself saying, leaning onto his chest as I did so. I don't know why I'm doing this but I couldn't help but feel comforted when his arms wrapped around me and secured me against his chest.

Indecisive, Ashton Irwin/Luke Hemmings Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now