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Chapter 1-

Nia's Pov-

"And on top of the pyramid is Maddie," exclaims Abby Lee. Maddie smiles and the girls congratulate her. Christi Lukasiak is frowning, Abby asks what her problem is.

Christi replies," Well you see, Maddie got third place and Chloe got first! Even one of the candy apple boys beat Maddie! Why does Chloe have to be last on the pyramid?"

All moms, besides Melissa, nod in agreement.

I'm to busy thinking to listen. "Why can't the moms quit it?" "Every time they complain someone looses a solo or something!" "I never looses a solo because I rarely get them, but my mom always talks her mind at the wrong times."

I stop daydreaming because Paige whispers to me, "This is about to get interesting"

Chloe's Pov-

Abby shouts, "Well I was planning on giving Maddie and Chloe a solo. Except neither of them have a solo anymore!"

Chloe, Christi, Maddie, and Melissa have there rounds of gasps and frowns.

I know I am the shy and quite one. But right now I'm about to be the confident and loud one. A VERY rare occurrence! I say, "Miss Abby, why do we even do the pyramid? It makes the moms mad which makes you mad and you take away our solos, duets, trios, spotlights in the group dances and more! I got suspended because of my mom. Oh sorry mom. But she wouldn't have been mad if it weren't for the pyramid! Why can't it be about the dancing and not the yelling, complaining, and judging!"

After I realized what happened I looked around seeing gasps and Abby's disappointed yet surprised face. I feel the tears well up in my eyes. Before I make a scene I run out causing a bigger scene then what we already had.

Paige and Maddie run after me into the bathroom. The other girls try to, but Abby says no, tells Gianna to help them warm up, and dismisses the moms. Abby goes to the front desk worried and confused.

Paige's Pov-

"Chloe," I start to say, "What you did back there was amazing. You stood up for yourself, no everyone!" I give my twinnie a hug.

Maddie starts to conclude, "I could have never done that! It was so surprising! The innocent Chloe has changed into a bold Chloe. I love it!" I give my best friend a big hug while Paige is still hugging.

Christi's Pov-

I just realized the astonished look on my face. I knock on the girls bathroom door but come in anyways. I tell the rest of the moms to just go back upstairs.

I walk in to see Maddie and Paige giving Chloe a kiss on either cheek. They all notice me and smile.

I say, "Chloe I am so proud of you! You talk backed to Abby. I'm sorry I even opened my mouth. I think you really made a difference here."

Chloe's Pov-

Every one forgot what happened that week. The moms were the same, Abby was the same, and the girls were the same. Looks like I am still the shy girl. Abby decided they weren't going to attend a competition that week, anymore. At the end of the week Chloe was happy she would be going to Paige's with all the girls, besides Brooke, for a sleepover tomorrow.

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