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Payton's POV-

I did perform today. I did a contemporary solo. I think I did second or third place worthy. They start the awards and the junior elite team isn't here. Only that new girl Asia.

I wish I could find Brooke, she's one my best friends and keeps me calm during awards. I notice that Brandon isn't in the crowd either. They announce the junior division awards, Nia got second, and Maddie got first. Abby motions for two girls to get the awards for them.

Kendall and Mackenzie get second and Asia gets the award for them. They call up Brooke and I's division Brooke gets second and I get first. I was really surprised and I get Brooke's award for her.

Brandon's POV-

I wait in my new car for Brooke. I wouldn't call it new. It's a used car and its really broken down. I turn up the radio and hear a tap on the window.

"Hey Brookie Cookie,"

"Hey babe."

"Where should we go?"

"Away from here," Brooke sighs while getting in the car, "Maybe we should go to that motel 10 miles from here."

I reply, "How do you know about that?"

"I did my research."

I say, "So I heard you got second. I heard some girls talking about it before you got here."

Brooke shrugs and lays her head on my shoulder.

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