End of a beginning

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Kenzies POV-

"Mommy!' I scream as I go hug my mom.

She hugs me back and crys into my shoulder. As I hug my mom I see the girls whisper and try to creep back into the forest. I see them all look back sadly and start to run. The crunching of the leaves, isn't to hard to ignore.

"Madison Nicole Ziegler, get back here right now!' My mother yells.

They have ran too far for us to catch up. As we walk deeper into the forest to find the girls, we hear heavy breathing.

We look up and see the girls hiding in different trees. "Wow I never would have found them!" I think sarcastically.

The girls climb down and Melissa yells at Maddie and the girls. My mom calls the other moms and we all drive to our house.

Everyone waits for their parents, and each girl cries when there moms and dads show up. Except for Nia, she's the strong one.

The moms do their sets of yelling, crying, and hugging. Over and over again.

Right when everyone is about to leave we get a knock on the door. Abby. She runs up to us and crys, "Where have you been! I've been worried sick about you guys!"

She gives us all hugs, and then yells at us. Then there is another knock on the door. This time weaker with less force.

A tall, handsome, and busy man walks in with a small, pretty, girl wearing glasses.

The man ends up being Greg Le'floure some French guy.

The petite girl is Jennifer Chalice, his assistant. Greg says, "I have seen you 7 on the news. Very famous. You see, I think your story would make millions!"

Jill raises her hand and says, "Your point, being?"

Jennifer steps in and says, "We want to make a movie about you guys running away!"

Our jaws drop to the floor.

A/N: That chapter sucked. It was SUPER short and I'm sorry! I swear the sequel's chapters will be longer.

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