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Roses POV-

"Where are we going?" Kenzie asks me.

"It's a surprise!"

Shortly after we arrive at a cabin.

"Woah," Paige says, "This place is huge!"

"This. This is my cabin." I tell them.

"Your cabin?!" They ask, in more of a statement.

"Ya, we don't use it anymore because my parents thought it was too small." I say trying not to brag. "Well come on in! Everyone go figure out where you will sleep."

I walk into the kitchen. I open up the fridge. The last time I came here was two weeks ago. Thankfully I stocked up the fridge.

I pull out several waters and go hand it out to everyone. I'm about to give some to Maddie and Kenzie when I hear them whispering.

"I don't want to leave!" Kenzie whisper shouts.

"Too bad," Maddie states, "We need and want to go back to mom! We will go home tomorrow night."

Kenzie storms off right in my direction. I act like I wasn't listening and give her the water.

Maddie says to me," If you tell any of the girls about this, you will be dead!" She takes a bottle and also storms off.

"Sheesh," I say to myself, "Sister like sister."

Brooke's POV-


"Hey Brandon?"

"Ya babe?"

"I think I'm gonna go home!"

"What!" Brandon storms out of the bathroom and grabs my wrist, "You are not leaving."

"Jeez. My mom already has to deal with one kid being gone. I have to go home and comfort her. Besides, everyone needs to know that the girls ran away and that they didn't get kidnapped." I snap at him.

"Sorry for being rude," He tells me as he lets go of my throbbing wrist, "Lets pack and we will go back."

I nod and hold my wrist in pain. Brandon likes to hurt me, but then he acts all sorry. I look down at the bruises, after bruises he gave me.

A while later I finally finish packing. Brandon takes our bags and we get in the car. We awkwardly drive to my house.

I try to turn on the radio, but Brandon smacks my throbbing wrist.

"Good god Brandon." I mumble under my breath.

We get home and there are several police cars lined up. I jump out of the car and run to my mom.

"Mommy! I've missed you!" I tell her.

She gives me a big bear hug and asks, "Where were you!"

"It's a long story, but I need to tell the cops something."

I go up to the cops, with my mom following behind me and tell them the story about me running away and the girls running away.

A/N EEEK! This book is slowly coming to an end! What do you think will happen next? Comment below!

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