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Kendall's POV-

I wake up staring at a small, yet beautiful chandelier, "Ugh!" I moan. All of the girls are getting sick of this. I can tell. We only have three more days to go.

I look around and see that everyone is still asleep. From the look of things, and the clock, I can tell its 9:00 am.

I slide a pillow out from a few girls and throw the pillows at the rest. They all wake up, and we end up having a big pillow fight.

We all are giggling on the floor when Nia asks, "Hey, where's Rose?"

We all shrug and get up to find her. I stumble into the kitchen and fall. I laugh and see that a note has fallen on top of me.

I read it

Dear girls,

I have decided to leave your group. It's easier to travel on my own. Since we are a big group of girls, it's easy to get caught. So I guess this is good bye.


"Humph" I say. I go get all the other girls and show them the note.

Maddie states, "What is she's right? Don't you think it will be easy to get caught?"

"Don't worry about it," Paige tells us, "I just hope Rose is all right."

We all nod in agreement and go to the kitchen to have a quick snack. We chat for a while and decide to explore the cabin.

"Hey guys! Look what I found!" I scream as I hold up a radio.

"Cool! Plug it in!" Kenzie says to me.

I plug it in and goes strait to the news channel.

The news caster says," Breaking news. The six missing dancers of Pennsylvania have been said to have "ran away" and not be kidnapped. Please hear more from witness Brooke Hyland."

Paige's eyes light up as she hears her sister talk.

"The six girls were having a sleepover and I overheard them talking about running away. I didn't say anything because I wanted to runaway too. But not with them, with my boyfriend Brandon. I couldn't take it anymore and decided to come home. I really hope my sister and her friends are ok." You can hear Brooke cry.

Chloe unplugs the radio and says, "Come on! Lets go!"

We grab our stuff and walk out the door. "So where to?" I ask.

"Um how about home?" Paige tells us.

We start to cry in fear that we don't know how to get home. We walk deeper and deeper into the forest. Finally, it feels like we walking for days. But it was actually two hours.

We get to a park, that looks awfully familiar. We see a lady crying on the swing set.

"Mommy?" Kenzie runs up to the lady and hugs her.

A/N- (cue suspenseful music) Did Kenzie hug a stranger? Just kidding it was her mom. There's only one more chapter left! (Starts to cry)

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