Bathroom breaks

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Kendall's POV-

"Girls! The moms and I are going to our seats, I expect you all to be at awards in 15 minutes!" Abby shouts while walking out the door.

The senior company states that they are going out to awards early,but I'm not so sure. We need to sneak out without Asia and Brooke on our backs. We all get our stuff ready so we can get out of there right away. Asia luckily says he has to go to the bathroom, so Brooke takes her. Thankfully the bathroom is on the other side of the building.

Paige asks,"Ready? And did you all tell your parents how much you loved them?"

We nod out heads in agreement to both questions. We make sure we have everything and we leave.

Asia's POV-

Druloop! The toilet makes as I walk out the stall. Brooke tells me she is going out to awards early and for me to go back to the green room. I agree and wash my hands.

As I'm leaving the bathroom the girls just walked by me. I assume the are going to awards but awards are the other way. The sneaker I am decides to quietly follow them. They walk out the back door and turn left. I take a shortcut so I can be in front of them. I hide behind a wall and right before the girls sneak by I pop out.

"What are you doing!" I ask as they look like they just saw a ghost.

"Go back inside," Paige rudely replys.

"Uh, no! We are supposed to be at awards why are you sneaking out!" I reply. Before they can answer we hear a snicker and when we turn around a flash of brown hair goes around the corner.

Brooke's POV-

"Phew," I sigh with relief, I almost got caught. I decide to turn my head to see what happens.

"Asia, we just forgot something in the bus we be back soon, just go back to awards, don't worry," Nia replys.

Asia nods and walks back inside. The girls start to walk my way and before they turn the corner I hide in a bush.

When the girls are out of site I'm already out of the bush picking leaves off of my clothes and hair.

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