Escape route

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Chloe POV-

I hear a sigh of relief come out of all the girls including me. After our argument with Asia I was glad we got out of there alive. I giggle at that thought and Kendall shoots me a confused look.

"Don't worry about it," I tell her

Kendall shrugs and we continue walking.

Nia asks, "So Captain Hyland, where are we headed too?"

Paige flashes an award winning smile and replies, "Well, last night I stayed up very late planning our escape route," She continues, "First we will head to Chasberry Park, It's an abandoned park, so no one can find us, and it's only three miles away. The next morning we will go to the woods not too far behind the dance studio. Since it is a long walk we will camp out there too."

Nia replies, "Well I think I know where Chasberry Park is so we can take a shortcut through Maple Street to get to the dance studio, tomorrow."

We all nod in agreement and Maddie stops for a second. "Um I think I forgot to pack snacks." She tells us shamefully.

Paige says, "Don't worry I packed extras!"

Maddie's POV-

Darn it. I was hoping they would let me go get my snacks so I could go back home with Mommy. Yeah I'm a baby, I still call my mom "mommy" and I have separation anxiety so I can't be away from my family for too long. Only Mackenzie knows I have this problem.

Kenzie nods at me and gives me a look telling me she misses mom too. When my parents got divorced, that's when I was diagnosed with separation anxiety. I spent every night catching my breath when my dad left. Three months later I got over it. But with mom, I always seem to miss her.

2 1/2 long miles later, we reach the park. Paige was right it was abandoned. It had weeds everywhere and was hidden by many trees. So if you were to walk by it you would never see it. It has barely any paths and a small playground with rust on the equipment.

We set up and that's when I'm struggling to catch my breath.

A/N everyone should note that this is FICTIONAL! So Maddie does not have separation anxiety and Chasberry park? Never heard of it.

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