Miracle on Elm street

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Chloe's POV-

"Um, guys? I think we are lost." I tell everyone as we walk in the creepy forest.

"What do you mean lost?" Emily pitches in.

"Shut up!" I whisper into Emily's ear.

Emily gives me the death stare. I ignore her.


Emily and I, just never got along. Paige, Maddie and I used to be the triple threats. We did everything together. Then Emily came to this school, and Maddie and her just clicked. They became best friends.

Paige was happy Maddie left. Paige wanted me and her to be twinnies again. I was still happy we were twinnies!


"Um, maybe we should take a shortcut through Elm Street?" Nia suggests.

"Ya, well your last plan didn't exactly work out!" I say while glaring at Emily.

"We have no other choice!" Kendall says.

Emily's POV-

Instead of taking a short cut through Elm Street we ended up sleeping in the woods behind elm street.

We all start to fall asleep, except me. It's about 1 am, but I'm not tired. Mostly because I want to go back home.

Finally everyone seems asleep. To make sure they are, I poke each one. Ok we're good.

I try to get the knots off of my wrist.

"Almost.... There," I mumble to myself as I undo the last knot. I get up and run. I didn't bring anything, so I don't need anything.

As I'm running I say, "I'm free! It's a miracle on Elm Street!"

A/N- Hayyyy. I think Emily might be in it for one more chapter in a couple days. But I do have a surprise guest coming into the book.....

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