Catch my breath

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Mackenzie's POV-

I flinch at the sound of wheezing coming from behind me. I turn around and see Maddie giving "the look".

"The look" is the look Maddie gives when she can't breathe due to her separation anxiety. Her eyes close half way with tears stuck in her lids, he mouth will twitch, and her cheeks start closing in.

I realize that no one has noticed Maddie yet, I'm kind I happy because Maddie would die of embarrassment if her friends knew what she had.

This morning before we left if realized Maddie forgot to bring her pills, but I brought them for her. I did the procedure mom told me to do if this happened. I showed her a picture of mom so she knew mom is always with us. I gave her three pills one every 30 seconds. I also did heart compressions my mom would tell me to do just in case.

Maddie takes deep breaths and soon enough, she is back to normal. I'm really surprised that no one realized what was happening. Kendall came up to me and said, "I know that Maddie has separation anxiety. My cousin Stacy has it too. Maddie's secret is safe with me."

I'm relieved that Kendall won't tell anyone and can help if it gets more serious next time.

Maddies POV-

I go behind a tree to catch my breath and have some water. I try not to think of mom, but I really miss her. I think of happy moments with her, rather than sad moments without her.


I smile at the applause coming from the audience. The judges are smiling and my mom looks super proud of me.

Finally awards come. My mind is a blur of nerves. I can't hear whats going on because my mind is having a spaz attack.

People around me keep pushing me and motioning the top of the stage.

I finally realize that I Madison Nicole Ziegler has gotten first place at nationals! I start to cry of happiness and my mom comes up hugs me and cries as well. My mom is smiling ear to ear. I'm so proud of myself and so is my mom.


"Maddie, are you ok?" A voice asks in the shadows.

I wipe the happy tears from my eyes and see Chloe in the distance. "Ya," I lie, "I just.... I miss my mom!"

Chloe says, "I miss my mom too. But I don't like the way she acts." She tells me wiping away my tears.

We talk for awhile and join everyone else. They already set up our sleeping bags. I lay down and fall asleep right away.

A/N Hi! Thanks for reading! All of this support really means a lot! @emyd123 will be in the book soon! Probably the chapter after the next.

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