Chapter 11 : Start Over

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"C..camila.. you're alive?" I looked at her in her wheelchair

"Barely. After you guys left the hospital, I started breathing again. Thank god Doctor Jeff forgot his charts in the room, he plugged all the machines back in and was able to wake me up. I called Dinah and Normani when I couldn't get a hold of you... now I know why"

"Camz, it's not what it looks like"

"So it's not my girlfriend kissing my best friend?!"

"Okay it is what it looks like but it didn't mean anything"

"Sure it didn't, Dinah roll me in please"

She pushed Camila inside, shaking her head in disappointment towards Ally and I. Looking down, all I could think of was... how? I ran closely behind, jumping in front of her. I put my hands on the armrests and looked Camila in her eyes

"Camila please"

"I have nothing to say to you" 

"Let me explain."

"Explain what?! Explain why the second you think I'm out of the picture, you go off kissing other people? Explain that out of all people, you choose my so called best friend? Explain that you said you loved me... and you did something like this."

I looked down, pulling away from her. Dinah pushed her into the living room, picking her up and laying her on the couch. I stood there, thinking how right she was. Tears blurring my vision, I ran upstairs. Slamming the door and becoming so weak kneed, I fell to the ground while gripping the side of my bed, crying.

*Camila's POV*

In pain, I reached to grab the remote. Stopping me, Normani grabbed it and handed it to me. 

"Thanks" I forced a smile

She took a hold of my hand "before you watch your cartoons, we need to talk"

"If it's about Lauren, I don't wanna"

"We'll get to her in a sec, how the hell could you just start breathing again?"

"Okay, I did... die. But only for a few minutes, I don't know what happened. I was conscious but couldn't open my eyes for some reason, I heard the door open and tried to move around. I moved my arm a little and felt someone put a stethoscope on me so I knew it was the doctor and yeah the rest is self explanatory" 


"Yeah, so I'm lucky I'm even here"

"I'm just glad you're alive and we're still FIFTH Harmony"

She pulled me into a hug and as we let go, she gave me the "you know what I'm gonna say" look

"I don't want to talk about it"

"Well I'm not giving you a choice" she said smiling then frowning "why can't you just talk to them"

"Who? Alren? No thanks."

She shook her head and then of course...


"What are you doing?"

"What's..up... Camila..You know I think I heard my phone so-"

"Nah uh, you guys are talking this out" Grabbing her wrist and pulling her in front of me "okay so I'm gonna leave you two alone to get your talk on" Walking out


"No. First, if I wasn't in this much pain, you wouldn't be alive right now. Second, don't even try to pull any forgiveness crap"

"Just please listen. Yes I liked Lauren, and yes I kissed her, but I feel horrible about it-"

"Then why'd you do it?!"

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