Chapter 36 : See You

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*Dinah's POV*

3 hours have passed by and the cab has returned to it's original spot, but without Lauren. She can't just run from her problems, it's cowardly and foolish. All the girls including myself were all made up and were about to head out to the meet and greet, this is not good. At that moment, our bus driver and Big Rob came to the back of the bus and asked us if we'd seen Lauren. We all shook our heads, sure I was pretty much the last one to see her but I don't know where she is, so my words wouldn't have been much help. Camila sat next to me, as I turned my head to ask her a question, a badly hidden worried expression took over. I felt so bad for her, I have no words of reassurance or comfort. It's no use, no matter what any of us say, she can't be genuinely happy and it seriously kills me.

We were driving to the meet and greet as something caught all our attentions, we couldn't possibly tell the harmonizers that Lauren had been missing. They'd go into a complete frenzy, round of search parties and god knows what else. Lying isn't something we like to do, but it's the only way to keep things calm for the time being until we find her. Everyone tried calling and texting her, seeing if she just went to the venue by herself or was just okay. Camila tried the most times to get in contact with her, total I think she texted her 10 times and called 20. I don't have a good feeling about this, it seems like we can never have a break from drama, Camila and Lauren especially.

We got the venue and as we left the bus, a small group of harmonizers started taking pictures and because we still had time to kill we walked over to them and took pictures with them. They were in a 15-17 year old range, their faces were lit up when we were in front of them.

"Where's Lauren?" One with blonde hair asked.

"She has an upset stomach, unfortunately she's going to miss the meet and greet."

The look of disappointment and worry appeared on their faces, I quickly reassured them that she was fine, even though I didn't know if she actually was. We exchanged smiles before Big Rob told us to head inside, we hugged them and proceeded walking. We had already figured out how the arrangement was going to be since Lauren isn't here, we unfortunately all agreed that Camila would do it. Why? I have no fucking idea but hey, she was fine with it. See, she's being mature unlike Lauren. Lauren, you better be okay so I can kill you when I see you again.


*After M&G; Camila's POV*

We waved goodbye to the 100 teens that had came out to the meet and greet and went back to the bus, on our way to the venue and start rehearsal. I went in first, followed by Dinah, Normani then Ally because Troy had called her right after we finished. I collapsed on the living room couch as Dinah body slammed me, I groaned as she laughed joyfully. Her laugh is contagious so I started laughing before yelling at her to get off me. We sat up and just chilled until Big Rob came in.

"Hey guys, this was taped to the door, it's from Lauren."

He held up a DVD in his hand, I got up and retrieved it from his hand and turned around to look at the other girls. I turned to my left and put the DVD into the DVD player, watching it load the contents of the disc and finally began playing and suddenly Lauren popped up on the screen.

"Hey guys, I'm in the cab right now but I had to tell you guys this. You're all at the meet and greet right now and I"m sorry I can't make it... and I won't be able to make it to the show because. Well. I'm leaving L.A and going back to Miami. And it's a permanent thing, I'm out of Fifth Harmony."

My eyes grew twice its size as I heard the girls gasp, our tour manager covering her mouth in disbelief.

"Camz, Dinah showed me your journal. Please don't be mad at her, she got me to do this and I'll talk to you guys after you guys come back from the world tour if you let me. I'm so sorry I hurt you but please know that everything before and everything now is because I'm looking out for not only you, but for the rest of the girls. Hopefully you'll find out soon, yes I still can't tell you and I don't know what to say at this point to get you to believe me but yeah. Rock the rest of the tour, tell the harmonizers the truth or that I was homesick, I'll back you guys up. This was a mutual decision between the label and I, after I had a meeting with the people that's forcing me to lie, I contacted them. You guys are perfectly fine, the tour will continue and the contact is still available for renewal once you guys come back. I made sure that I wasn't hurting anyone by this choice. So I'm going to leave this disc on the door of the tour bus and get my stuff and by the time you guys get back, I'll already be on the plane. I'm sorry, please remember I do love you guys. Nothing ever changed that. Bye."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2014 ⏰

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