Chapter 27 : Not Going Anywhere

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*Lauren's POV*

It's been about a month since Camila and I were ratted out by Sinuhe and everyone's been so supportive.. except for Sinuhe. Camila's been trying nonstop, calling her and direct messaging her on twitter.. well that was until she deactivated it. And now that Sinuhe is preparing to go back to Miami, Camila's even more desperate now. He's been trying to talk to her dad but he says the same thing every time she calls him. "She isn't talking to me either."

This is ridiculous. I get that it kinda came off as a shocker or something but refusing to have a "gay" daughter, refusing to talk to your own child and your damn husband for god sake's is just pushing it. What really bothered me was the fact that she had said that she'd rather have Camila pregnant than admit her feelings for me and be proud of it. This doesn't change anything about Camz, that's what I'm not getting. She's still gonna be the little awkward, ball of energy I love so why does her saying she loves me change any of that? I'm sorry Sinuhe but you're saying a lot of bullshit.

I took a deep breath as I finished that thought, trying to calm myself down. Ally and Normani were still sleeping so I had the room to myself, I grabbed my laptop and went on Tumblr. Logging in and scrolling through all the re-blogs and everything, I was finally calm until my damn phone rang. I was shocked and froze for a second when I saw the caller I.D. was Sinuhe. I answered, reluctantly.


"Lauren, we need to talk"

"Sinuhe, Camila's the one you should be talking to. She's been trying to reach y-"

"I know she has and I will eventually talk to her, but after I talk to you. I'll be outside the apartment complex around 8 o'clock and don't tell Camila anything"


The call ended before she could answer my question, I locked my phone and tried to figure out what exactly happened just now. She disappears as if she fell off the face of the earth and out of the blue, she calls me instead of her daughter who's been crying herself to bed every night because she's so hurt. Harmonizers have noticed that she hasn't tweeted a lot, less than usual. They even trended #CamilaComeBack and she smiled but for like a second. I have to go either way, Camila has so much to say to her mom and if Sinuhe can't have the balls to talk to her, I'll do the talking because I'm done seeing my girl crying and stuck in bed. Refusing to record an album we've been working for months on because of a broken heart. Julian is getting pissed and Simon is really annoyed with us because the deadline for the single is approaching and we still haven't recorded all of the songs.

I heard sheets of the bed, tossing and turning and knew right away that Ally was awake but she was too lazy to open her eyes. I just refocused and went back to Tumblr when Normani jumped me, throwing me and my laptop back. Of course she was all giggly and I was here, gasping for air

"Oh my god, you scared the shit out of me!"

"That was the point"

She got off of me and laid next to me

"Hey who were you talking to on the phone? You turned a little pale after"

I started thinking wither I should tell her or not, then I remembered what Sinuhe had told me. She said that I couldn't tell Camila but she never said about the girls.

"Camila's mom."

"Wait what?"

"She called me, saying that she wants to talk to me. She's coming tonight and we're meeting outside the apartments"

"Shouldn't you go tell Camila?"

"I can't, she told me not to tell her. That's why I need you to keep your mouth shut okay Mani Bear?"

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