Chapter 13 : Mine

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"A guy can't visit his ex-girlfriend?"

"Keaton, what's the real reason? I'm busy"

"I heard about Camila and I thought you needed a shoulder to cry on" he smirked

"Get lost, besides Camila's fine thanks for asking"

"Ah, typical denial. I might have to stay the night" 

"That won't be necessary" Camila said rolling up 

"Camila? You're still alive?"

"Very. Thanks for the concern. Now, she's explained this enough so it's my turn. SHE BROKE UP WITH YOU. Get it through your thick skull and move on."

"No! I'm winning her back. She never told me who she left me for."

"Oh you wanna know, guess what it's-"

I covered her mouth as I looked up at Keaton "It's time for you to go" I shut the door and turned to Camila

"Why'd you do that?"

"You're really ready for everyone to know? Camz, we went through enough crap with just the girls knowing" 

"Yeah but I don't want to be worried about Keaton taking you away from me"

"Babe, you won't have to worry about that. He's my past, you're my future" I said smiling

She blushed as I pushed her back into the living room, Ally was still watching the movie. Now it was at the part where Woody discovered that he was a celebrity is the olden times. I smiled and picked Camz again, this time, placing her on my lap. She wrapped her arms around my neck and continued to watch the movie. 

An hour had gone by and the movie had ended. Ally had already pasted out and Camila was sound asleep in my arms. I gently picked her up, going upstairs and laying her down in her bed. I tucked her in and kissed her forehead. Before I left, I grabbed a sticky note and wrote her a little note. Placing it on her desk and left. Now for Ally, I did the same thing. *sigh* Now that everyone's in bed, I can go to bed. I went to my room, turning out the light and went to sleep

*Next Morning; Camila's POV*

I woke up to see that I was in my bed. Confused, I sat up and turned my head to see a note on my desk. I reached over and grabbed it and began to read:

Good morning boo thang! Lol you fell asleep when watching the movie last night and I brought you up. Remember, you're not quite ready to move around on your own so call one of us when you're ready to come down okay? Your breakfast will be on the counter when you come down, made personally by the best girlfriend ever *cough* me *cough* I love you ! <3

~Lauren ;)

Awwww, she's so cute! But did she really have to remind me that I couldn't walk? Ugh this sucks! But I'll show them. I ripped the covers off me and carefully fell into my chair. I started rolling and stopped in front of the stairs....okay maybe I didn't think this all the way through. I sighed as I was about to call Lauren to help me down when I suddenly became lightheaded, slightly pushing the wheelchair foward. Next thing I know I'm falling down the stairs with my wheelchair closely behind, then I stopped

"Camila!!" Lauren ran to my side, careful to not touch me "What hurts? Can you talk? How many fingers am I holding up?" 

"Lo, I'm fine. Stop worrying" I said smiling

She smiled back and helped me back into my chair "what were you thinking? I told you in the note to call one of us to come get you"

"I wanted to see if I could do it on my own"

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