Chapter 21 : Never Again

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*Camila's POV*

I ran to the bathroom and got the band aids from the cabinet, what the hell is Lauren's problem?! Randomly beating someon up, especially since it's one of our best friends. I rolled my eyes, sighed and walked out. I passed Lauren's room and stopped, looking the door then deciding to just let her calm down. Lolo's not the type of person to be so stubborn or embarrassed to say she's sorry, until then, I need to help a bleeding D-Mack. I ran downstairs and handed Normani the bandages, Dinah was closing her eyes but a single tear escaped. I felt bad and wiped it away, she opened her eyes and gave her the famous Camila face. She started laughing and relaxed a little

"Camila you need to talk to Lauren"

"No. At least not now"

"Why not?"

"Guys, every time we have a talk after something happens, it just ends in disaster. I'm gonna wait for the right time to talk to her, possibly when she calms down"

"Alright because this is not like her"

"I know, I'm just worried about her. Oh gosh now I'm a typically girlfriend, ew"

We all smiled and finished bandaging Dinah's cut and wiped away the excess blood, we all helped her upstairs

"Guys I got hit,  I didn't lose a limb. I can walk upstairs by myself"

We let go and let her go upstairs, the three of us decided to clean up. I cleared the table, Normani took care of washing and Ally took care of drying... then that water fight... 

*Dinah's POV*

I can't believe Lauren had the nerve to do that do me. Not my fault she can't keep her hormones under control. Ugh whatever, you know what. We were just starting to all get along again, I was about to go to my room when I figured I'd talk to her. If we both ignore each other, we're not gonna get anywhere. I walked to her door and stopped, hearing silent cries from behind. I opened the door silently and peaked, she was sitting at her desk... doing something. I was about to call her when she put a towel in her mouth and screamed. I rushed to her side turning her around to see a blade in her hand and a bloody wrist.


She just shook her hand, I grabbed the blade and threw it in the trashcan. I took a hold of her non-bleeding hand and rushed her to the bathroom, grabbing a towel and placing it on her cut. I applied pressure and as she screamed in pain, I looked at her.. why was she doing this again? I mean if she felt bad for hitting me, she could've just apologized and I would've forgiven her. She didn't need to do this...

"Why? Why'd you start again?"

"It's the last time."

"Dammit Lauren you said that last time! You don't mean it! Why?!"

She looked at me and looked away, hiding the fact that she was about to cry. I pulled her into a hug and let her head rest on my shoulder, soaking my shirt but as a friend, I didn't care

"Lauren, Lauren look at me"

She looked at me

"Don't ever do this again okay? You feel like you're about to, talk to us. And stay away from the sewing kit"

She chuckled and nodded "I'm sorry for attacking you down there, I just hate that someone is a threat to me and Camila"

"It's okay, I get it. I'll admit,  it was freaky how I got a text from them too"

"Yeah... hey what did unknown mean by you being jealous?"

"Oh they were just lying"

"You sure? I mean, I'm here if you need someone to talk to"

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