Chapter 23 : Party Crasher

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It was almost midnight and I had to get away just for a second, not that I wasn't having a good time or anything. I just really needed some air and to think, I walked outside and stood on the porch. My arms resting on the wood poles. How could all this amazing stuff happen to me? I mean yeah, some bitches got in the way but nothing could permantily hurt me and Camila. I couldn't imagine my life without her right now, She is just plain perfect, while she says different.

I sighed and ran back inside before anyone noticed I was gone. I closed the door, not even softly since you couldn't hear anything over the party noise. I walked into the living room to see Dinah was ready to start the Beyonce class

"Lauren come on we're ready to start!"

"Yeah you can't keep the queen waiting"

I chuckled and ran to the end of the line, next to Dinah. Ally was on the other side with Camila on the other end. The music started and I watched Dinah as she told us which moves to do.

[Refer to Video Here]

 We started with the running man, Ally had fun doing that since it's her move. Then we moved to jogging in place, then to step and touch

"Whoo I'm tired"

I heard Sinuhe laugh and laughed also, Dinah's teaching the class and she's tired... anyways we went back to running in place. At that point, I was getting tired too but still kept up with the rest of the girls. We did this move where we snapped twice and then the step and touch. Dinah was literally the only one that could do the dance, I looked over at Ally and Camila and they were completely failing. Um Camila, you're suppose to turn around honey.

"I don't know this dance"

We moved into the one move we, somewhat, knew how to do. The dougie. In the corner of my eye I see Camila doing like a worm dance haha. We repeated a couple of moves, including running in place. I'm seriously getting tired of this... no literally like this is the most exercise I've gotten in months.

"I don't think I can handle it"

Dinah and Sinuhe just laughed... laughed at my misery.

"Alrighty, I got this"

"Ready ready this is my favorite part"

"Okay" I said out of breath

I pulled back my hair, rolled up my sleeves and this move where you step forward then back and move your body along with the motion. I don't know, Dinah did it best. I looked at Camz and she was just swaying... Camz.. oy. I wouldn't have looked if Ally hadn't laughed! 

"God damn"

I was out of breathe.. it's a workout, like I'm gonna try. Eh might as well be crazy. We ran in place but this time we had to bring our legs up and I got like a sudden blast of energy and I went overboard and made this really weird noise, it's like Camz NEHHHH but... yeah

"Now run to the left"

"To the left to the left, come on run to the left"

"To the right"

"Now right...... back to the center"


"Now wave the American flag"

"Ready cool off"

I was doing the dance and I look at Camz, shut up you would constantly look over too if she was your girlfriend. She was purposely facing the wrong direction! Like she was doing the right moves but was facing Ally when she wasn't suppose to haha. I even heard Sinuhe laugh!

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