Chapter 12 : All Out

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"Lauren!! Get down here!"

I flinched as I dropped the blade, exhaling loudly. I started shaking, thinking of what I had just done to myself. I ran to the bathroom, grabbed a towel from the rack and went downstairs. All the girls, except for Camila, were gathered in front of the TV. I approached them, frequently looking down to make sure the blood wasn't seeping through the towel

"What's up?"

"We needa talk."

"Oh my god, can't we just move on from Camila? She's home, she's alive, what else is there to talk about?"

"We're not talking about Camila, we're talking about the welfare of the group. Yeah Camila is still with us but it's obvious that there's some unspoken tension between you, Camila and Ally. Now tomorrow, we're going back to the studio and our fans are waiting for the album and this is preventing us from getting anything done. So afterwards, you guys are talking things out. All three of you, nothing left inside."

"Fine" I said rolling my eyes "I'm going to bed, goodnight"

"Lauren, what's up with the towel?"

"It's nothing, I was washing my hands when you guys called me. Goodnight"

I ran upstairs and went straight to the bathroom. The bleeding had stopped a little but not completely, I threw the towel into the trash and just put a wrap around my wrist. Wiping the excess blood from the floor that had dripped and went back to my room. I turned off the light as I climbed back into bed, today's been pure hell. Camz and I breaking up, Ally and I in a really awkward position and... cutting myself. I've always heard these stories of people that do this to themselves on a daily basis, but I never thought that I would be one of them. I just laid there, staring at the ceiling, thinking. I didn't regret it... somehow, it was a outlet to all that stress, all that pain to just escape. I began slowly drifting off, eventually falling asleep.

*Next Morning*

I woke up to excruciating pain, looking down at my wrist and seeing my wrist wrapped up. I know for sure that it wasn't just a dream and that it did happened. I ripped the covers off me and got up, doing all my morning routines. I got dressed as I made my way downstairs, wearing a black tank with a floral vest. I had removed the wrap and applied makeup, to make sure no one would see the scar it had left. 

"Good morning Lauren!" Dinah said smiling 

"Hey" I said smiling back

I looked at Camila eating with her back turned to me, watching TV. I sighed as I walked over to the kitchen, getting my breakfast ready. Plain o' cereal for me. I sat and ate, it was so silent. The only noise was the TV, hearing the theme song from Spongebob Squarepants. I was still shaken up from what I did last night, Camila was still hurt, Ally hasn't come down yet, and Dinah and Normani were just awkwardly staring at each other. 

"Alright, everyone done?"

The three of us nodded 

"I'll go get Ally" Normani said going upstairs

I finished the last bit of my breakfast as I put the bowl in the dishwasher, walking back as Dinah made her way to me whispering in my ear

"Remember, after the session. Talk. To. Them."

"I know." I said a little annoyed

I looked past her to see Normani dragging Ally by the arm out the door, I gathered my stuff and went out to the car as Dinah followed pushing Camila. The van didn't have a handicap space so Dinah held Camila in a bridal style while I put the wheelchair in the trunk. We all piled in and were off. Within a half hour we're there, I got out first to unload the wheelchair. I put in on the ground and turned around, walking into the studio, trying my best to not look back at Camila. 

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