Chapter 34 : Done With You

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*Camila's POV; later that night*

We just finished the Miami venue and I can honestly say, I didn't bother trying to seem happy around Lauren after that stunt she pulled. Normani told me that she thought that it was from a new boyfriend, which I just had to laugh at when I heard because if anything, I'm not over Lauren. Especially since all this fucking drama is going on, none of us know where we stand. This is just so frustrating because I didn't fall in love with the Lauren that lies and ignores me. I fell for the one that cared about me, able to put a smile on my face by looking at hers. This one, is a stranger to me now.

I was still getting out of my costume when I heard door slamming, apparently Lauren had stormed off right after the concert. She didn't even pick up her stuff, change out or anything, just left. I'm honestly so tired of wondering what's wrong with her and where we stand, I guess you can say I'm done. I am saddened though, don't get me wrong. But I'm at that point where what ever happens, happens because I want to have hope that one day my Lauren will come back to me but the longer the wait is, the more hope dimmers.

We walked out of the building, the girls off to the side of me and got onto the bus we would be taking to North Carolina. I hadn't said a full sentence to anyone for the past couple hours, even on stage I said like 3 words tops. Probably more but like hell if I remember. I felt the urge of the girls to ask me how I was doing but knew that it would just further ruin my mood so we remained silent. Of course Dinah broke it once she closed the door between the lounge and bunks.

"Mila, you need to stop letting this bother you and talk to us. We're dealing with a bitchy Lauren right now too, hearing the situation from your view would help us understand." Dinah said calm.

"That's the one thing we can't do, understand. Right now, I don't see any reason why she's acting this way. Why she's acting like a complete stranger. My first kiss, my first love, my best friend, over the course of a couple weeks, I lost her. I blamed myself but that was just out of depression, now that I'm angry and thinking more, I have done nothing to deserve this treatment from her. None of us do." My voice was at a whisper tone by the time I finished, hanging my head to mentally calm myself down.

"Camila, I wish I knew how to help, we all do." Ally said softly.

"Have you tried calmly talking to her about it? Normani asked.

"There is no such thing as "calm" between us, in case you haven't noticed." I picked up my head. "Especially since she's turned into nothing but a tempered, bipolar, bitch! I can't get a word in edge wise, and by the time I do say something, it's full of cuss words and I end up screaming at her. Even then, she doesn't listen to me. Guys, I wish I could express exactly what I'm thinking or feeling but I can't right now. So many thoughts are racing through my mind, I can barely say them as they're appearing. To put this whole fucking situation into simple terms, I'm done but I still love her."

I looked around at the neutral faces around the room, I could tell that Dinah wanted to make me feel better but couldn't piece together the words to do it. ally and Normani exchanged a couple looks but nether said a word. We stood in the same place in silence while our tour manager came into the bus with a pile in one of her arms and paperwork in the other.

"Um, did I interrupt something?"

"No." I said. "What's up?"

"Camila, I need your help to get Lauren's stuff."

"Why can't anyone else do it?"

"It's just her bag and as you can tell, I only have two arms and they're full, please?"

I rolled my eyes. "Fine, just don't leave without me."

I walked past her, carefully walking down the steps and ran as fast as I could in my black heels. Opening the backstage door, I examined the room and say Lauren's bag on one of the shelves by the exit on the top shelf. I got on my tippy toes, being careful to not fall on my face and pulled on the bag as it fell in to my arms. as I put it around my shoulder, a tiny notebook fell out. I bent down to retrieve it, standing up again and saw that it was her diary. I would usually be like, "no I shouldn't, it's wrong, it's really personal." But guess what, fuck that.

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