Chapter 1 - Soda in a Water Cup

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"Damn it." I cursed under my breath. You could say I wasn't the best at temple run. I can barely make it past 40,000 points. I glanced up at the clock by the drive-thru window, noting that it's half past one in the morning. No one ever comes by this late anyway, why were we even open?

If you known me and saw me standing behind a McDonald's counter, leaning against a wall and sulking into my phone at 1 am you would probably have to do a double, no, triple take. How did he end up here? You'd ask yourself. I ask myself that too. Well, I graduated with a 4.0 gpa, a scholarship to FSU, and like, 3 girls somehow starstruck by my 'academic success", but in reality they just thought I was hotter than the Sahara. If you couldn't tell already, I didn't take the scholarship. Why? Because I didn't want to go to college. I feel like that's a huge waste of time. No one even cares nowadays if you have a degree or not.

I was interrupted of my thoughts when the sound of the door opened. I sighed and slipped my phone into my front pocket. "Welcome to McDonald's what can I get you." I stated more than asked. I took a second to study who this was. He was actually pretty damn attractive. He had shoulder length brown hair with curls, a hat, and he was small in frame. He had brown eyes and the most kissable lips ive ever seen.

"Uh.." He said, cocking his eyebrow at me. My face went red when I realized I wasn't paying attention to what he said. "Sorry, can you repeat that?" I shake off the embarrassment.

"I said can I get a small water." He says slowly, making me kind of want to punch him in the face for being so smart-assish. I smiled and handed him a cup. He stood there giving me a confused look. "Anything else sir?" I ask, an odd tone in my voice. "How much is it?" He questioned. Was this guy an idiot? He was a cute idiot.

"Water is free." I say in a robot tone. He nodded and thanked me before walking over to the fountain drinks and filling the cup with what seemed to be coke.

I made a tsk tsk sound before literally hopping over the counter and over to this guy. "I'm afraid that's not what you ordered sir." I say calmly, crossing my arms in front of him. He took a sip and looked up at me. "Listen here you punk, I'm alone here at almost 2 in the morning trying to beat my high score on temple run and you have the nerve so put soda in a water cup." I say, anger spilling from my voice. "That'll be $1.50, please." I say through gritted teeth and furrowing my eyebrows.

I swear I could smell the fear radiating off of him, as his mouth slightly parted and his eyes widened in shock. He dug through his pocket and threw a 5$ bill at me and attempted to flee the place. I started laughing hysterically and grabbed his wrist as he started to run. "Dude." I gasp, falling on my ass in laughter. "I'm joking. Dude I'm joking." I say, laughing so hard my side started to ache.

"Oh." He said, his face calming, I swear I saw a smile tug at his lips. "Take the fucking soda man." I say, throwing the 5$ bill at him. I get up and re-fill the soda he spilled in the process, and handing it to him. "What was that for?" He looked at me. "Like I said, alone here at almost 2 am, haven't had a customer for like 3 hours. I got bored." I laugh, hopping back over the counter and getting a cup for myself and filling it with soda.

"Aren't you supposed to like.. Pay for that?" He said quietly. I smiled and raised my eyebrows. "Sweet pea you're the one who is a soda thief. Might as well. Oh, there's some fries left from earlier, want some?" I ask, walking back to the kitchen, motioning for him to follow. I used a spatula to pick up some fries and set them on a plate, and finding a booth in the back and setting it there, sitting across from him.

"I'm Kellin." I announce, a mouth full of fries. I point at the fading name on my name-tag.

"I'm Vic." The boy says, picking up a single fry and putting it in his mouth. "What are you doing at a McDonald's at 2 in the morning?" I ask, leaning back in my seat. He looks out the window then back at me. "My mom kicked me out."

"Damn. Sorry man." I apologize. I looked at Vic and we shared eye contact for a split second, before he bit his lip and looked away. "It's okay. She's really poor - and well, she told me I had 2 weeks to start paying her rent and I couldn't get a job." Vic said, his voice starting to falter.

"Why didn't you come here?!" I almost shouted. "I would've totally gave you a job." He cocked an eyebrow at me.

"You're the manager?" He said in confusion. "Duh!" I exclaim, flipping my hair dramatically. "Worked a whole year for this bullshit job. People like you make it fun to be here, though." I laugh and stuff a fry in my mouth.

"I, uh, me? People like me? Who's people like me?" Vic said, clearly puzzled. "Yes, you're the first person like you though. Maybe you're the first and the last." I wink.

Before he could reply I felt my phone start to buzz in my pocket. "Ooh, shifts over bitches." I say, getting up and grabbing the empty plate.

"Sorry I'm late." I hear Jenna say, as the door opens. I throw the plate into the garbage. "It's cool. No ones here anyway." I shrug. Jenna's my roommate, too, coincidentally. I've known her since middle school and she's my best friend.

"Hey Vic, need a ride?" I ask. He gets up and walks toward me. "Uh.. Yeah maybe you could drop me off at the subway station.. I could go to my brothers house." He says, scratching his head.

"Vic, you're not going on a train tonight. You can stay at my place." I assure him. "He can stay in my room." Jenna yells from across the room.

"You're... Roommates?" He looks at me. I nod. "We going or not?" I say before he has a chance to refuse to stay with me. I walk out the door with him following behind. "Kellin no I don't want to be a bothe-" "it's not a problem!" I shout, opening the drivers side door and climbing in. I wait for Vic to get in and start the engine. I look at him, giving him a look.

"What?" He says, looking around. "Seat belt." I point out, pointing at the seatbelt that wasn't around his body. "I don't want yo- us to get hurt, do we?" I turn back to the wheel.

That was a close one.

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