Chapter 12 - The Calm Before the Storm

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[[ sorry I haven't updated in like 4 days. School keeps me so occupied, ya feel? anyway, only like 3 chapters left of this book and it's over! there will be a sequel once it reaches 500 views maybe more. anyway, here you go! ]]

•Kellin's POV

"I love you too." He spoke, before hungrily connecting his lips with mine once more.


"Look at how weird the mountains look." I point to the odd looking rock structures not too far from the water we were standing by.

"Don't hurt their feelings." He says sarcastically. I roll my eyes and chuckle.

We were currently at Ipanema Beach, doing one more thing before we go back home tomorrow. I was extremely nervous, but I was trying to enjoy the moments with Vic. I could worry about it later.

"Hey, come'on!" Vic shouts from a distance. I notice while I was busy thinking he made it chest height into the water.

I nervously stepped in. The water wasn't even cold. I continued out.

"I'm going to drown." I comment once I was a few feet in front of Vic. He just kept going out farther.

"You know how to swim." He adds.

"I do, but I'm terrified of deep water."

He swims to me and turns around. I give him a questioning look.

"Get on." He commands.

"What?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Get on my back."

"I'm not getting on your back I would crush you."

He crosses his arms and gives me an unimpressed look.

"Fine." I give in.

He grins and turns back around. I hesitantly wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.  I couldn't see his face but he was probably blushing.

"You can't swim while I'm on your back, dumbass." I add.

"Says who?" Before I could reply, he speedily starts going deeper into the water.


"Oh look, my feet can't touch the ground anymore. What a shame."

"Vic I swear to god." I smack his arm.

We were about shoulder length in the water now.

"I'm swimming away. Goodbye." I comment, before un-tangling my legs from his waist and disconnecting my arms from his neck. I immediately fall into the water. I didn't realize how deep this shit was.

I could hear Vic's laugh from above. I resurfaced and wiped my eyes; and pushing the soaking wet hair out of my eyes.

"That wasn't funny." I whine.

"Yes it was." He added.

I splashed water into his face.

"You really want to play that game?" He raises his eyebrows and steps closer.

"Are you challenging me to a duel?" He continues.


Before I had time to react, Vic picked me up and was holding me against him.

"Vic I swear if yo-"

We immediately fell back, submerging both of us under the water, at the same time Vic was still keeping a firm hold on my waist.

In about five seconds of fighting out of his grip, which he never released, he pulled us back up.

"Fuck you." I tried to hold in a laugh but failed.

"I told you not to challenge me." He smirked.


It was 6 pm, and I just have stepped out of the shower. Vic told me before I got in, that he was making dinner for us.

I wrapped a towel around my waist before opening the bathroom door and stepping into the bedroom and rummaging through my suitcase for pajamas.

I quickly changed and dried my hair with my towel, before combing it.

I opened the door and stepped out into the kitchen, greeted by a beautiful set up by the one and only Vic.

There were roses in the middle of the small table, and ruby red placemats. There was eerily creepy yet romantic elevator music playing from wherever.

Vic stepped from behind the kitchen wall and I saw he was also wearing pajamas. He smiled and came over and kissed me on the cheek, causing me to blush.

"Sit, it's done." He mentions. I nod and sit at the table.

He returns with a pan of lobster and shrimp with some kind of sauce on top. It smelled like what I think heaven would look like.

"What the hell? How did you make that?" I asked.

"Secret family recipe." He responded.

He places some on my plate, then his.

We were both seated and eating, before Vic clears his throat and starts talking.

"Kellin, I love you, and I care about you more than anyone else in the world, you've made my life 100 times better in two weeks than anyone has in my entire life. You mean the absolute universe to me and I just wanted to spend the last few days here with you special. And if anything happens, which nothing will, I want you to know you're the best person I've ever met and I love you dearly."

I wipe the tears that managed to escape my eyes and got up and kissed him.

I loved him too.

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