Chapter 14 - Curiosity Killed the Cat

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•Kellin's POV

Knock knock.

My eyes flew up to the door. I gulped and slowly got up, walking over and unlocking it.

Vic mentioned he was going to take a shower, and 'if the guy gets here then don't make conversation just take the stuff and close the door.' But curiosity got the best of me.

"Hi." I spoke.

"Uh," the guy tilts his head to look at the room number again, and back at me. "I uh, I think I got the wrong door."

"No, I'm with Vic." I chime in.

"You?" He cocks his eyebrow and looks at me with worry. "Who are you?" He asks quietly.

"I'm a uh, a friend of his."

His face immediately loses all emotion.

"Fuck. You need to get of here." He leans in closed and whispers with his teeth gritted.

I open my mouth to speak but he interrupts me.

"Kid, I don't know if he seduced you or what, but this was the wrong trip for him to bring you on, take it from me. You're being set up, you can't tru-"

"Kellin who is here?" Vic's voice comes from the bedroom.

The guy swiftly hands the suitcases to me. Before he starts jogging toward the elevators, he hands me a piece of paper and mouths what I think was a "sorry."

"Oh, the dude came and gave me these." I brush it off.

"Oh. Start putting your clothes in one of them, okay? We leave tomorrow morning." He flashes me a smile and goes back to the bedroom to get changed.

I nod, continuing to the bedroom where I proceeded to fill my new suitcase with clothes.


I unfold the paper in my hands revealing the guys phone number. I put it in my phone quickly, and plop myself down on the couch and click through the available TV channels.

I wasn't even paying attention to what was on TV, because my mind was already preoccupied with thinking about what that guy said.

"You're being set up."
"You're being set up."
"You're being set up."
"You're being set up."
"You're being set up."

The line must have played in my mind a million times before I heard Vic's voice come from behind me.

"What the hell are you watching?" He chuckled. I snapped my head up at the TV. It was some over dramatic soap opera that wasn't even in English.

"Fuck, I don't know." I sit up quickly and wipe my eyes with my hands.

"What's the matter? You coming to bed?" He looks at me with worried eyes.

"Yeah, I'm coming, I'm sorry - I'm just stressed." I stand up.

"I think you just need some sleep." He wrapped his arm around me and kissed my head gently.

We were now under the covers, my head was on his chest and he was tracing shapes on my shoulder with his thumb.

"What made you so stressed earlier?" He questions out of the silence.

"I was just thinking about stuff." I sigh.

"We're gonna be fine alright? We're gonna be home tomorrow." He responds.

And to think I trusted him. It's beyond me.

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