Chapter 16 - Never Look Back (Final)

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[[last chapter YIKES thanks everyone so much for reading!! this story makes me want to cry honestly btw I don't really know if I'm going to make a sequel because I don't really know what could happen after the ending, but I'll keep ya updated on that. anyway here you go don't hate me too much]]

•Kellin's POV

"What?" I blubber out.

"If you wish to have an attorney present then you will just have to sign this paper here, and we will no longer continue this conversation."

I blink my eyes a few times and I can feel my breathing start to become uneven.

"-I , I, I- don't understand."

I can feel myself break out into a sweat.

Too much was being thrown at me at once. I couldn't comprehend what was going on. I suddenly feel trapped, like I was tied inside a coffin and was being buried alive. They were saying things but it was all jumbled up. The walls were closing in, and I couldn't breath before all I saw was the color black.


•Vic's POV

I was laying on a cold, hard bench when I heard the door swing open. An officer and an agent stepped in.

"I haven't seen one like you in a long time, ya' know that kid?"

I furrow my eyebrows. "What?"

The officer sat down in a spinny chair and leaned back, laughing like he was watching a dog chase its tail.

"You got yourself a boy toy, planted some drugs on him and think you'll get away with it," he shakes his head. "last time I seen that happen was in 2001. Some guy got a little lady friend and made her carry the drugs while he just sat back and watched as her poor naïve self was... being... set up... by a guy she fell in love with..." He dragged out. I was morbidly confused at this point.

"What are you talking about?" I spat.

"We completely tore apart your bag, no drugs in there, but in your buddy's bag they were right in the open." He shook his head before leaving.


I have to talk to Kellin before he thinks I did this, but there's no way in hell they're letting me out of here.

"Can I tell you what happened?" I say quietly to the single agent in the room.

"Well, I was going to ask you to tell me later, but might as well do it now. We'll see if your claim matches up with your partners."

And I told him everything starting from day one.


"You told him it was cocaine?" The agent questioned in disbelief. I nod.

"Did I mention how much I fucking fell in love with him? I couldn't tell him it was heroin. Everyone and their mother knows the penalty for even possessing heroin is three times worse than cocaine. Let alone carrying and distributing it. That's a whole different story. If he knew it was heroin he would've left. He would've kicked me out and never talk to me again."

The agent looks at me confusingly and jots something down on his notepad. He looks at me again.

"But, didn't you claim that when you first confesses you were a drug mule, he told you that you can still live with him? I feel if that is true, then maybe, he trusted you and you made him feel safe, or he just fell in love with you. Either way, maybe he would've reacted badly at first, like you stated," he points to a part he wrote down, "then he would be 'cool' with it."

"That's a whole different level of danger." I speak through gritted teeth.

"Hey, listen, I'm trying to help you. Those other guys would probably water board you if you didn't want to spit out answers. I'm cool."

"But can you see how Kellin is doing?" I ask calmly. I just want to know what he's doing. How he's reacting. I just want to kiss him and tell him we're going to be okay, but that would be a lie.

"I'm not allowed to leave a pending arrestee alone, but I'll get someone to report back." He sighs. I nod thankfully, and he says something into his radio.

In as it feels like ten seconds, an unfamiliar officer steps in the room.

"Quinn fainted a little while ago, but he's awake now, just kind of out of it. We poured some water on his head to get him to wake up and it worked, he's just kind of talking now, but not a lot. He seems really scared, but we'll get the story out of him soon." The officer smiles before walking away.

"Wai-!" I shot, but the slamming of the door cuts me off.

This whole thing was my fault. I walked into his life, and this was not the way I wanted to leave his life.

•Kellin's POV

"His story matches Vic's." I hear an officer mumble to another. I internally sigh in relief.

I hear footsteps coming toward the bench I was sitting on and an officer crouches down in front of me.

"Vic confessed. He told us that he lied to you and told you it was cocaine, when its heroin." He speaks quietly.

My jaw drops slightly.

"Am- am I going to jail?"

And that nod was all it took for me to break down crying.

"Kellin Quinn you are under arrest for the importation of narcotics into the United States."


I've never loved anyone as much as I loved Vic.

Vic Fuentes, the boy I fell in love with. The boy I wanted to hold on to every night. The boy I wanted to spend my life with. The boy who I thought of when I laughed and smiled. The boy who I would think of when I looked up at the sky and saw birds chirping and the sun shining. The boy who somehow managed to make me go from annoyed, to liking him, to loving him, to feeling like my heart and soul was completely ripped out and smashed with a brick; all in a few weeks.

Vic Fuentes, the asshole who broke my heart and my trust while he manipulated me in to smuggling drugs into my own country.

That's who he was to me now.

Nothing more.

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