Chapter 11 - Viva La Brazil

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[[ appreciate the fluff while it lasts ]]

•Vic's POV

"Thank you." Kellin and I muttered to the guards as they let us pass through customs.

"Holy shit, we are in Brazil." Kellin said quietly.

"Wait, what? I could've swore I bought a plane ticket to Antarctica." I replied sarcastically. Kellin elbowed me.

Last night whenever we got on the plane Kellin fell asleep. Those meds are pretty strong. I should've gave him half a pill.

He woke up around 2 hours before we landed. We both played some game like sudoku until we landed. It was fun with him.


"Vic?" Kellin called out from the bedroom, sounding worried.

We were finally at the hotel and I was currently brushing my teeth in the bathroom which was connected to the bedroom.

I stepped out and took the toothbrush out of my mouth.

"Yes?" I replied, looking at him. He was laying on the bed, propped up on one arm and resting his head on his hand.

"What are we like, uh, bringing back?" He asks timidly.

My eyes slightly widen and my mouth opens and I shrug.

"Uhm, coke." I lie.

He nods in contemplation. I quickly turn around and rinse my mouth.

He doesn't deserve to be lied to, but he'll never even figure it out. Our people are smart and we conceal it extremely well.

I return to the bedroom and I see Kellin laying on his back staring at the ceiling.

I plop down on the bed next to him, but on my stomach; which makes the bed shake a bit.

"What's up?" I ask.

"I'm just thinking." He replies quietly.

I frown in confusion. "About what?"

"About how stupid I am."

"What makes you think you're stupid?" I cock an eyebrow.

His eyes start watering and I quickly sit up next to him and pull him onto my lap.

"I don't want to go to prison." He cries. There's the tears. Every time he gets upset it makes me 10x more upset.

"Look at me." I tell him. His gaze falls onto mine.

I wipe the tears from his cheek. "I've been doing this since I was 15. Do I look locked up right now?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.

He shakes his head.

"Try to stay positive, okay Kell? Look, we're in Rio de Janeiro. Look out the window or something, go." I urge him. He slowly climbs off of my lap and walks over to the window, pulling back the blinds and observing.

I smile at his concentration.

I get up and stand behind him. "Beautiful, huh? I might need a new map but I don't think there's anywhere around here that's as beautiful as you are." I confess quietly.

I see him raise his eyebrows and his cheeks quickly start turning into a faded red. He grins, teeth and everything.

He turns around and wraps his arms around my neck and presses his soft lips against mine.

I set my hands on his waist and kiss him back.

"I like you." I breath.

"I love you." He replies.

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