Chapter 6 - Envy, Malice, & Attention

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[[ is anyone even reading this??? my app is glitching and it doesn't say when people view the story. So please please comment if you're reading this right now, Because idk how many people are, anyway, enjoy ]]

•Vic's POV

I lay in Jenna's old bedroom for what, the 5th night? 4th? I lost track of even what year it was whenever Kellin's lips made contact with mine.

A few hours ago, after "the kiss," when we were driving back here he started sobbing again, rambling about how sorry he is that he judged me for my 'occupation.'


"V-Vic...." Kellin sobbed into his hands. Vic turned his gaze from the road to the crying boy in the seat next to him. "Kell, calm down, It's okay, I'm sorry" Vic spoke softly. "No, Vic, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I lashed out on you." He cried. Kellin felt so terrible that he may have hurt Vic's feelings by maybe offending him. Kellin was clinging on to Vic for dear life. Vic was all Kellin had. Kellin wasn't even sure of how Vic felt of him.

"Kellin it's okay I unde-"

"No Vic, I care about you so much and part of me was angry that you kept this from me and part of me was anxiety-ridden because I don't want anything to happen to you - you know how long you could go to jail for? Especially in a different country? No, Kellin stop, I'm sorry Vic, I'm just worried about you." Kellin said, emotions leaking out of his voice.

Kellin wanted to punch Vic in the face, but Kellin also wanted to hold him close so he couldn't lose anyone else. He was afraid of admitting his feelings of attachment, but he already spilled the beans a few times.


And of course I forgave him.

Kellin is the most genuine person I've ever met. We've had our serious conversations, and the witty; stupid, joking conversations. Both of them meant so much to me.

Kellin as a whole, he was god damn perfect.

He's funny, he's an idiot, he's surprisingly kind of smart, he's immature at times, but he could also be the most mature person you'd ever meet. I couldn't believe after I told him I'm in a fucking drug cartel he still wanted me to live with him.

I never thought that day when I walked into McDonald's, I'd start having feelings for the guy working there, and in his house. And him knowing about my career. Some of my closest friends don't even know what I do.

I prop myself on my elbows and look at the digital alarm clock on the small table.

2:03 a.m.

I sighed and let my head hit the soft pillow.

The moment replayed in my head a million times before I began to slowly feel myself drift to sleep.


•Kellin's POV

I couldn't sleep.

It was almost 3 in the morning. I couldn't sleep.

I have to work in 3 hours, I didn't care, I made up my mind.

I made a decision.

I decided I care about Vic enough that I could go through with this.

I don't know how Vic is going to respond, but it's worth a shot.

I rolled over and turned my bedside lamp on. I was momentarily irritated by the sudden light. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and put on my plaid pajama bottoms. I don't think it would be very welcoming to walk into his room naked, welcoming in a different way maybe.

I quietly got up and opened my bedroom door slowly, walking out on journey to Vic. I make my way down the hallway to Jenna's old room, or should we call it Vic's room now?

I bite the inside of my cheeks as I open the door hesitantly. Once the door is opened, I don't bother turning on the light, because the light coming from the hallway is enough to see.

I nearly 'Aww' at the sleeping Vic, curled up in the bed, his hair sprawled out everywhere. I walk over to the bed, and sit on the side of it.

Vic stirs at the sudden movement, but he doesn't fully wake up. Damn it. I don't want to wake him, he looks so cute.

"Vic." I croak, my voice still groggy. I shake his shoulder a little bit.

He makes a sound, which sounds like he doesn't want to be woken, but I continue to try to wake him anyway.

"Viiiic" I speak again, dragging out the I.

His eyes blink open slowly before his hand reaches up and rubs them.

"What time is it?" He mumbles.

"3 o'clock." I murmur.

"Don't you have to work soon? What's wrong?" He questions. I hesitate before I finally speak.

"I'm quitting my job." I state.

"What?" He raises his eyebrows. "Kellin you can't do that." He says bluntly.

"Yes I can."

"Why would you quit your job?"

"I spoke to your boss. I'm one of you now."

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