Chapter 9 - We're Flying

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[[ hey! Sorry that this is sort of late. ive been pretty busy & school starts in less than 2 days so I've been sidetracked. but here's the long awaited chapter where they're en route to Brazil. hope you guys enjoy and be sure to vote and comment :) also if someone would make a new cover that would be incredible!!!! I would appreciate that tremendously!!! ill let you read now bye ]]

• Vic's POV

"Wake up." I rasped, hitting Kellin's head with a pillow for the seventh time.

I ended up falling asleep in Kellin's bed last night. After we got home we made a blueberry pie together and we both ate the whole thing in his bed and fell asleep watching some lifetime movie. Pretty fun time if you ask me.

Kellin groaned and shifted around before finally opening his eyes.

"We have to leave soon. We didn't even pack last night." I added.

"But I'm tired." He complained in his groggy morning voice.

"Sleep on the airplane. Come on." I urge, getting off of the bed and continue throwing random clothing articles in my suitcase.

I hear Kellin let out a prolonged sigh as he rolls too far over in bed and falls to the ground with a thud.

"Fuck me..." He groans, rubbing the back of his head.

"All you had to do was ask." I say quietly, chuckling.

"Fuck you." He throws a bottle of water that lay on the floor directly at my face.

"Ow." I complain, throwing it back at him. "Get up, we gotta go."

He finally gets up and grabs the empty suitcase from the corner of the bedroom, carelessly pulling open his drawers and sloppily throwing a bunch of clothing in his suitcase.

We were in the security check line for at least 35 minutes. Kellin was clearly getting really aggravated as the wait went on. I could also see how nervous he got sometimes. It was cute.

Now we were sitting in the boarding area waiting for them to announce the plane was ready to board. I'm pretty sure Kellin fell asleep. His head was resting against my shoulder and his breathing was soft so he probably was asleep.

I sipped my coffee carefully when the lady on the loudspeaker announced that our flight is now boarding.

Kellin stirred at the sudden sound.

"Hey we're going on the plane now." I said quietly to him.

"Uh." He blurted, sounding unsure. I gave him an odd look and furrowed my eyebrows.

He sort of paused. "I- I uh.. I'm a little scared." He admitted. I smiled like a loser.

"You've never been on a plane?" I asked, chuckling.

He shook his head slowly.

I stood up. "There's a first for everything, eh? Come on you'll be fine."


We were finally seated on our flight and it just started moving. Kellin was a little freaked out.

"What th- fuck, Vic this is faster than like, any rollercoaster I've ever been on. Wh- oh my god, are we going up? Oh my god I'm going to die."

I was laughing now. "Just close your eyes and we'll be up there in no time." I assured. There were small children calmer than he was right now.

"I don't want my eyes to be closed when I die, I want to see what gives me death." He argues.

I roll my eyes.

The plane finally was in the air and flying smoothly, when Kellin decides to look out the window.

His mouth gapes open and his eyes fill with amusement. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen.

"Holy shit." He whispers, observing the view.

"We're flying!" He announces, sounding about as fascinated as a 12 year old boy finding his dad's porn magazine stash.

"Oh my god- Vic, look!" He motions for me to look out of the small window.

"Interesting, huh? Just imagine if the engine failed and we started plummeti-"

"Vic stop!" He fought back, covering his ears and giving me an unamused look.

"I'm messing with you." I laugh, elbowing him.

"But like, can't that happen? It's possible right? What if we run out of gas and crash and we all die." He says seriously. I do admit it was kind of funny seeing him worry so much about stuff that won't happen but I could tell how scared he was.

"I watched this one movie where this guy has a vision that the plane is going to blow up and it did end up blowing up! Isn't that crazy? What if that happens to us?" He continued.

I cocked my eyebrow at him. "Are you talking about final destination?" I laughed. "You know that's just a movie."

"A movie depicting real events." He argued.

"Kellin, not a single element in that movie is anywhere near 'real'." I say, looking at him.

"It could be real." He replies softly.

"I promise you it's not going to happen, and if it does, then when we see each other in heaven I will personally form a mariachi band and preform for you." I say dramatically. He lets out a laugh. I smile.

I could see he was relaxing, so I reached my hand over to his and laced his fingers with mine.

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