Chapter 5 - I Confess, I Confess

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[[ sorry it's been a while since I updated, I was conflicted whether or not to continue the story but I'm going to go through with it :) I also want to apologize if this chapter jumps pov's a lot. Also sorry this story takes an unexpected turn. :p enjoy ]]

•Vic's POV
"I just wanted to apologize, Vic, I should have looked at the footage. You're one of my best employees and I don't know what gotten into me." Gerard apologized. I nodded in understanding.

"Thanks Gee, uh, so am I on the next trip?" I asked hesitantly. I didn't want to seem pushy but I could really use the extra cash.

"I booked all your stuff last night Victor, you're set." He smiled.

A wave of relief washed over me, but a twinge of panic settled in the back of my head. I've never been anxious on trips. I've always enjoyed feeling the rush. The adrenaline. But I guess now that I've had a wake up call I might have came to my senses a little bit.

Gerard handed me my ticket information and told me I could go. The trip is in 5 days.

What am I going to tell Kellin? If I do tell him anything can I even trust him?

I swallowed the lump in my throat and decided on where I'm heading. McDonald's.

•Kellin's POV

It was a typical Monday. I'm standing at work rethinking what I'm going to do with my life, while at the same time kinda wanting to go home and lay on the couch until I eventually die.

Jenna was sick with "the common cold," so she was taking the day off, resulting in me taking her shift. I love that girl but she has to pay rent too! I paid 60% for the first 3 months we lived together, now since she's on her feet she's convinced she's going to pay me back, but I won't accept it. She's my friend, friends help friends out.

Also friends don't steal friends boyfriend, but I'm over that. A few years ago she seduced my (ex) boyfriend Justin and I broke up with him. I was pretty pissed but they were both drunk, so I forgave Jenna pretty fast.

I was scrolling through my time line on Twitter whenever I saw someone come up to the counter.

"May I take your order?" I asked in a monotone.

"Kellin." He said.

I looked up from my phone.

"Vic?" I said raising my eyebrows. "You seen me two days ago, if you missed me you could've just called." I smirked.

"Kellin, we have to talk." He said in a serious voice.

"You're breaking up with me already? Oh, how could my small fragile heart ever deal with such." I whine dramatically.

"When do you get off?" He asked.

I leaned in a little. "Every night at 9 while I'm watching iCarly." I joked.

His expression angered and I put my hand up to stop him from saying anything.

"In like 15 minutes, why?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

"I have to talk to you about something. Uh, in my car maybe? It's a little more private, just meet me there when your shift is over." He said softly as he turned around and left.

I was even more confused than before.

•Vic's POV

I was sitting in the drivers seat of my car nervously messing with my fingers, waiting for Kellin. How am I going to tell him?

It felt like I was in there for 600 years when the car door finally opened up.

"Shit dude it's freezing out there, I swear it was like 80 degrees when I left for work." Kellin said abruptly, as he got in and sat in the passenger seat, closing the door and rubbing his hands together.

May I Take Your Order? [Kellic]Where stories live. Discover now