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Well, I think we could all say neither Kellin Quinn nor Vic Fuentes expected what to happen, happen.

"I hate Vic." Was all was going through Kellin's head as he sat in the county jail cell, awaiting his trial.

Kellin didn't know whether he was happy or upset when he found out Vic and himself weren't going to the same courtroom. Kellin wanted to see that beautiful face one more time, he thought, because; well, he didn't know what his sentence would be. Then again, he thought, he hated Vic with every ounce of his being.

Luckily for him, and not so much Vic, Kellin got out on probation and restrictions prohibiting him from traveling out of state for 6 months, and his passport was surrendered for a year and a half.

Alex and a few others have been arrested for conspiracy, the rest, no one were quite sure where they disappeared to.

When Kellin was finally back in the real world, with new goals, and a whole entirely new mindset, he found himself a good job and even had a newer, more improved apartment, a new car, all of this he could afford from his mothers inheritance. But even with all the positive changes in his life, a piece of his heart that once held Vic Fuentes, was gone.

"Goodbye guys, get home safe." Kellin smiled, shouting out the door as his best friend Jenna and her new husband left his apartment. They have came over to greet Kellin after not seeing him for a while. Kellin was kind of bummed that he didn't get to go to their wedding, he has always wanted to taste wedding cake.

When the newly wed's were finally gone, Kellin sighed and shut the door, pressing his back against it.

His mind has defeated him as he walks toward his alcohol cabinet, grabbing a brand new bottle of vodka and drinking straight from it, until there was nothing left to drink.

He didn't want to admit it, though. He thought it deemed his as weak to confess he still thought about the man who took some of his life away from him. Kellin wanted himself to look as if he couldn't give a care in the world that jerk was gone. When he was alone, it was as obvious as the sun that Kellin was emotionally unstable.

Now Vic's story is a bit different, he was openly emotionally unstable about this whole thing.

Vic was sentenced five years and six months.

For the whole two years so far Vic was in prison, the only thing that has crossed his mind was Kellin Quinn.

"You've got it bad." Vic's friend, Tony, speaks as he picks at the soggy mashed potatoes on his tray.

"Really? I didn't fucking know that until now." Vic seethes sarcastically. He was honestly getting more and more fed up when people would mention how he's been acting. 'Vic it's been three years.' They would say, but Vic already knew. Vic knew how long it's been. Vic knew he had it bad. But he also knew he would do whatever it took to get into contact with Kellin.

An idea popped into his head.

Later that day, Vic entered his counselors office. "May I add someone to my call list?"

May I Take Your Order? [Kellic]Where stories live. Discover now