Chapter 13 - A Weird Feeling

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[[ 3 chapters left and then a sequel a while after!! This was a shorter fic but i completely fell in love with it lmao idk about you. :) ]]

"Today a guy is dropping off our stuff." Vic said as I grabbed a plastic cup out of the bag and filled it with fruit punch. We had just woken up and I preferred this 20$ gallon of Brazilian fruit punch over Vic's overly sweetened coffee.

"Yeah?" I raised my eyebrows, taking a small sip.

"Yeah. I have a weird feeling about these guys though." He shrugs, sitting on the small love-seat.

"Why is that?" I furrow my eyebrows in confusion and sit next to him. I thought he worked with the same guys every time?

"Because- well, they're 'new'. We usually have connections, like, A.K.A the suppliers, they work together, we all work together; it's one big business, and they're all over the world, A.K.A the places we get the stuff. Like for example, Colombia is where we get the hash, we get the weed from Spain, and we get the, uh, the coke from here. But somehow the guys who we work with who supply it here, they disappeared. And we already planned out everything and we needed to get the stuff to go out anyway, so Gerard just decided to hire the next person who told us they would get it to us. So we don't know these guys, but we do know they didn't tamper with the drugs because they were packed a while ago. All they have to do is deliver it to the hotel, and we leave." Vic finished. He sounded so concerned that it made me worried.

I scooted over to him and kissed his cheek lightly. "It's gonna be okay, though, don't worry Kells."

"What do we do once we get back?" I ask.

"Have you ever been to Disney World?"

My eyes widen and I smile. "Disney World? We're going to Disney world?" My voice was extremely high pitched as a result of the excitement.

"Yes Kellin, I want to take us to Disney World!" He mocked my excited voice. I roll my eyes.

"But once we get back to like, California." My voice softens.

"Well, you're not exactly going to be poor when you get home so maybe you could get a new apartment, uhh, go on a shopping spree?" He questioned.

I laughed.

"I want you to move in with me." He blurts. My eyes widen even more.

"You don't even have a h-"

"I will once I get paid for this." He smiles.

"I - you- you want me to- live-"

"Yes Kellin."

I lean into his lap and kiss him deeply. I love him. I don't think I could ever stop.

"Slow down there." He chuckles against my lips. I frown. I never wanted to stop kissing him.

"I want you to go to college Kellin." He blurts.


"I'll pay for it and everything, I just want you to get an education and be happy. Get an actual job. Have a real life with a real job and hopefully live with me an-"

I just start crying.

I scoot away from him and just let the tears flow, sobbing into my hands.

"No,no no, no Kellin, I'm sorry."

"I fucking hate myself." I sob.

"Why?" Vic wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me onto him.

"I don't want you to care about me. I don't deserve it, I'm just a pebble and you're and entire fucking Galaxy."

"No baby don't think like tha-"

"I'm so pathetic Vic, it isn't even funny. I'm smuggling drugs with someone I'm completely in love with and they want to provide for me like they're my mother, I don't want you to ever care about me in any way, can you just hate me." I sob.

Vic pulls my chin up and tilts my head toward him.

"It's because I love you Kellin." He laughs. "Of course I want to provide you. I'm so in love with you it makes me want to throw up."

I laugh at that part.

"But you're, like, you. And I'm, well, me."

"I love you because you're you. I don't want you to be anyone else." He connects his lips to mine and kisses me passionately, moving his lips against mine in rhythm.

Little have I known this was the biggest mistake of my life.

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