Chapter 10 - All Too Real

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[[ trying to write as many chapters as I can before school goes into full swing,, also I really love this chapter ..enjoy ladies and gents  ]]

• Vic's POV
I was woken up by someone speaking over the intercom. I sighed and rubbed my eyes and glanced toward Kellin.

He was watching some movie on the small television on the back of the seat in front of him.

He noticed my gaze and turned his face toward me and smiled, taking the headphones off.

"Hey sleepy head." He said.

My eyes widen in confusion.

"What?" He questions.

"Are you drinking wine?" I whisper-yell.

He nods and teasingly takes a sip.

"What the hell? You're underage. You aren't even 18, or 21." I continue.

"They didn't ask for ID. I saw the chance and I took it. Oh and you slept for a while, it's almost 7 o'clock. You slept for like 10 hours." He laughed. I seriously slept that long?

"Aren't we supposed to land in Miami at like 7:30?" I ask.

"Yeah, then we go from there to Brazil." He smiles.

"Great." I rub my eyes.

I was genuinely afraid for the realization to hit Kellin. Especially because it's his first time doing this. The anxiety starts fading after a couple times doing it. But even for me, I still get a little anxious. When the realization hits Kellin he's going to break down. I'm afraid for his reaction, but luckily I brought some medication that would calm him down whenever the time comes.

"Give me a sip." I reach over and grab the glass out of Kellin's hands. I take a huge gulp, leaving only a sip left.

"Hey." He frowns. "That was my drink." He pouts, grabbing the glass from my hand.

"I mean I could puke it back into the cup if that's what you're in to." I wink.

"That's gross, you're gross." He gags, and hands me the glass back.

"I'm messing with you." I make an obnoxious kissy face at him, just to have his hand push my face away.

"Drink stealer." He insulted.

"Underage wine drinker." I fought back.

"What're they gonna do? It's already in my stomach. The most I could do now is just piss it out." He argued. I laugh.


"This is gross." I spit the drink back into the cup.

"It's amazing, your loss."

We were currently in the Miami airport, sitting at a Starbucks where Kellin made me buy a coffee because he swore that it was fantastic. I thought it was disgusting.

It was currently only nine and our flight didn't leave until midnight. We had to find something to occupy ourselves with for the next two hours.

"You should've gone simple, like the caramel frapuccino, but you just had to get the vanilla hazelnut with raspberry whipped cream with extra java chips. I can tell why you don't think it's good, here try mine." He urged. He was extremely hyper for some reason. He ordered something like a vanilla frap-whatever.

He stuck his drink into my face and I hesitantly took a sip. It tasted like ice cream.

"Ugh, now there's cooties on my straw." He wiped the straw with his hoodie sleeve.

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