Chapter 7 - I Can Do What I Want

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[[ this is super short, because there's going to be a part 2 to this chapter :) ]]
•Vic's POV

I swear my heart fell into my stomach.

"You what?!" I practically shout. This can't be happening.

I watch as Kellin nods slowly.

"I uh, I talked to him while you were in the shower when we got home. I did this because I don't want to part ways with you Vic." By the little light there was, I could see his eyes watering up.

He was so innocent and adorable, and I had to just fuck it all up.

"No no no no no no no, no." My voice falters and tears spill from my eyes.

"Vic?" Kellin's small voice speaks.

"Kellin- no, fuck - this is my fault, I shouldn't of even got attached to you this is all my fault." I choked out.

"No Vic, it's fine, I need the money right? Gerard said that I sound like a reli-"

"I don't give a shit what Gerard said, Kellin!" I admit. "I ruined you, I completely ruined you." I sob into the blanket.

If it wasn't for me, Kellin wouldn't be in this mess.

I'm not saying it's not safe, because it isn't safe, we've never got caught, but every second we're in this business we could get caught. And the consequence? The worst.

"Please listen to me." His voice was shaking. I already felt bad, so I didn't say anything.

"Gerard said that it'd be the best for me- and I told him about like, you, and me, and he said 'I've been searching for you ever since I've came into the business,' because I have the innocent act going on, but whatever, that's beside the point. Vic, I like you, I don't want you to leave me. This is a complete win/win. I get paid, I don't leave you... Unless that's not what you want." He says the last sentence quietly.

I look up at him.

"Kellin, no one has ever gone that far for me."

"I see a lot in you Vic."

"I don't want anything to happen to you, Kellin, this is dangerous."

"If we go down we'll go down together." He places his hand on top of mine. My eyes well up again.

"If I'm put in prison for the rest of my life, so be it Vic. If I get sentenced to life I wouldn't care because I would go down with you. I couldn't imagine if something happened to you. This way if something happens to you, it happens to me too." He continues.

"Okay." I agree. I was too tired to argue anymore.

"Really?" His eyes light up.

I place my hands on his shoulders and pull him toward me, connecting my lips with his.

He kisses back softly, and we fall asleep laying next to eachother.


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