100 Truth Tag

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You will have two chapters to day, first this tag thingy and then the real first chapter of Beloved!
And sorry for the bad grammar, I'm tired and I hate writing in English sometimes

Real name: Hanna

Nickname : I don't really have one, I like to be called Cas or Haz cause they are awesome but no one really calls me that

Favorite color: Purple... I guess, but I love wearing black

Male/Female: Female

Elementary school: Yes I have been in elementary school and it sucked

Middle school: Yes, same as elementary school

High school: Yes, high school was a bitch

Collage: not yet but soon

Hair: Brown, originally but I color it a lot so it have been red but now it's sort of just meh, so currently I have long brownish redish blondish hair since it's get blonder due to it being summer 

Tall/short: Medium, not tall, not short, just normal

Sweatpants/Jeans: JEANS! I hate sweatpants

Phone/Camer: Phone, I need to keep myself updated with Wattpad

Health Freak: No I love cake to much

Oranges/Apples: Apples^^

Any Crushes: Yeah you ;) No but seriously, I don't think I have any... not on any real persons at least

Guy friends/ Girl friends: Girl friends, they understand me better or it's just because every guy I have talked to is kind of a douche

Piercings: Nay, but I got tattoos

Pepsi/coke: Neither I love Fanta

Ever been on an airplane: Nope

Been in a relationship: Nope

Been in a car accident?: Nope

Been in a fist fight: Nope

Best Friends: ThePsychoInTheCloset and Sara, a non wattpad person *loud gasp*

First Award: Nope

First Crush: A stupid guy who is still stupid and who will forever be stupid and immature, if I could go back and change it I would change it to Percy Jackson, much simpler

First Word: Don't know... probably something lame

Any talents?: Writing, or at least I hope so. Otherwise I don't know, I can wash the dishes really fast

Last person you talked to: My mom

Last person you texted: My mom

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