Chapter 3. Strange Goddesses and Weird Conversations

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Nico awoke in a strange place, the last thing he remembered was hearing people shout fire and running out to help. Then he had felt a sharp pain in his back and blacked out. He hoped no one got hurt.
   The strange room looked like it belonged on Mount Olympus. The white marble floor, the typical Greek columns, the room was really opened and barley furnished. There was the big bed that Nico laid on, there were also a brown bear skin on the floor and various fabrics on the walls that billowed in the wind.
   Nico stood up and was pleasantly surprised to see that he was still in his old clothes. It would have been awkward if he woke up naked, which had happened once. He had shadow traveled and passed out, when he woke up he was nude and somewhere in Italy. Thank the gods that he knew the language.
   "This is a punishment." he heard a woman say.
   In the door opening, a door opening that had just appeared, stood a woman with long white wings. She had beautiful white hair that reminded him of the moon and a pair of sharp silver eyes.
   "For whom?" Nico asked.
   "Fear not demigod, this is a matter of hate towards my dear sister. You were just on the wrong place at the wrong time... and had a fall out with the only god who stood in my dept."
   "I'm a prisoner?"

   "You may go anywhere in the mansion and the garden, you may stay in your room."

   "So as long as I don't leave this place I'm as free as a bird?"
   Something glinted in those silver eyes. "You may say that. Although, this is a punishment for my sister. She is the one who owns you now."

   "Who are you?"
   "That is a question best to leave unanswered." with that the silver and white goddess left Nico in his new room.
   The door was ajar but he didn't feel like leaving the only "safe" place he knew of. The mansion could be hexed, he could die out there. He could die in here too but he rather took that chance.
   Nico wasn't afraid of much, when he was fourteen he had traveled through Tartarus all on his own, he had gone through the labyrinth when he was thirteen. He had been alone and faced so many monsters that he was numb from it all. Surely a puny mansion wouldn't, couldn't scare him.
   Being alone in the big room didn't scare him, it spooked him though. When he blinked he was sure that he saw things move behind the columns, when he snoozed of he was sure that he heard voices talk about him.

   He was the son of Hades, he was a fierce warrior and the most stubborn person of all time. He had killed monsters no one even knew about, monsters that towered before you with gleaming eyes, monsters with over 100 teeth. It meant nothing, it hadn't prepared him for being locked up in a mansion were gods ruled. The son of Hades was out classed.
   "I could shadow travel." he said out loud, mostly to himself but due to the almost empty room it echoed and repeated it self.
   "You can't, only way out is through my sisters carriage." the woman was back, the white wings that was almost a replica of Cupid's were folded on her back. Her skin was dark but the silver of her hair made it seem lighter.
   "The sister that I am supposed to be a punishment for? How will I benefit from this?" he asked coldly not hiding the venom that poured in his veins.

   "You will benefit nothing. You are a puny demigod we don't owe you anything. You are here to serve and punish."
   "How can I punish someone if I don't even know why I am here?!" Nico screamed loudly startling the goddess.

   "You can never love her the way she wishes you too. My sister-" the goddess cleared her throat. "My sister is cursed and even though it has nothing to do with love she solemnly wishes to be loved. You can't give her that because you... how should I put this, you like boys."
   "I'm gay whoopie do, now torture some bitch." he said and reached for a sword that were no longer tied to his hip.
   "My sister's curse will not benefit you, it will most likely torture you. The day will come when you break out or we will release you. The wish is that you will be as perfect as ever."
   "Define perfect."
   "Unharmed." she shot her chin forward and then she lowered it again. Stepping closer to Nico in the most elegant way. "You will suffer, but you will find happiness in it."
   "You almost quoted Harry Potter."
   "What?" she took a step back as if he had stabbed her.
   "It's a famous book."

   "Then I shall read it." the goddess nodded. "Now I will leave you with a warning. Don't use your magic, it will not work and if it does it will drain you ten times as much as it usually would. So shadow travel if you will, you shall die before you even melted together with your precious shadows."
   "That's more a suggestion." he bit back ignoring the laid back tone that the goddess used. "How long will I be here."
   "You'll leave when my sister loves you. When she has given you something that can never truly be hers and probably shouldn't have excited." with that the goddess once more left him alone.

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