Chapter 12. Dark Eyes and Troubles

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Kalei had never screamed of fear... until today.

It had started out like any other day, waking up in the Demeter cabin, cleaned up and gotten dressed, picking up Mina in the Hades cabin and then of to breakfast. Nothing out of the ordinary until Solace stepped into the dinning pavilion.

Mina had chatted away and smiled a lot since this was the first night that she had spent alone in the Hades cabin. She said that she still missed her dad but since she slept in his bed and currently was wearing one of his dark shirts as a dress she felt a little better.

Percy had smiled from the Poseidon table, he had bags under his eyes and he often glanced towards the Zeus table were Jason was eating. Yes, Jason and Piper had arrived yesterday afternoon and Kalei was thrilled to become friends with them but after seeing Percy glance and mope about Jason the thrill went away.

She didn't know what was going on and she felt even more out of her element when Solace came in, all dressed in dark colors, his once sun kissed skin was now pale and his hair was tousled. When he talked it was more of a growl, his siblings looked terrified and so did many other campers.

After breakfast everybody ran away to continue the normal schedule, well everybody except for Percy, Jason, Piper, Mina, Will Solace and Kalei.

"What have happened?" Piper asked, using just a little bit of charm speak but it still brought chills to Kalei's back, she was used to magic but charm speak was just wrong to her.

"Nico di Angleo... the boy who breaks everything." Will spat out.

Will's entire being was wrong, he used to walk so proudly and he would reach out and help people, he talked with a cheery voice and he used to say lame jokes and speak with medical terms in every sentence. This Will before them was dark, he walked slumped, he growled when he talked and Kalei was sure that if he got the opportunity to help someone he would just laugh and bring more pain than gain.

"He will bring destruction and death, just like his father." Will sneered, "Are you guys even sure that he is the same guy he was three years ago?"

"Daddy would never harm someone!" Mina piped up, she was gripping Kalei's hand in a death grip.

The air had gone chilly and was full of tension. Kalei felt as if the air was full of electricity, she glanced towards Jason to see if he had lost control of his power but he stood here with a stone face. Kalei didn't really know these people but she knew that they were Nico's friends. Shouldn't they defend him more or are they too doubting who Nico truly was?

Will's body started twitching, it was as if he had been struck by lightning but no one had touched him. Kalei lifted up Mina in her arms and shielded the child's eyes. Will growled and then his arm snapped into a weird angle. A manic laughter erupted from his pale lips.

"And here is evidence A to how he has changed, he has a freaking kid with a goddess. The child wouldn't have powers if her mother was mortal. We get our powers from the godly DNA in our blood correct? She must have had an goddess as mother or else she would be powerless."

Will's blue eyes looked hollow and as he blinked they turned black, not just the iris but the entire eye. As he sank to his knees, Percy reacted, he caught the boy in his arms.

"Will are you okay?"

A lame laugh came, a cough and then Will went limp. Kalei's blood turned cold and she held her breath. She was truly new to the group, she didn't belong there and even though she wanted to help she couldn't. She was a nobody and she was scared. Jason and Piper were eighteen, Percy was nineteen, Kalei? Well she was younger then all of them and she hated that she didn't know them or Nico's story. It had been a coincident to why she stood where she stood.

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