Chapter 19. Beloved

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"I guess we are home." Nico said laying an arm around Leo's shoulders, although the Latino quietly moved away a little. "Hey... Leo... I'm sorry for what I said in the arena."

"Don't be. I mean I think I understand." Leo said smiling a small smile before turning away, he didn't want Nico to see just how hurt he was. Sure he loved the Italian but things were complicated.

"Hey guys, Nico, my man I just wanted to say thank you." Percy said sitting down next to the couple. His shiny green blue eyes seemed to be oblivious to the scene that played out in front of him.

He gave Nico a high five and proceeded to lay his arm around his shoulders. "You know, when Nyx sort of took over my mind it was scary. I could see everything but she twisted my mind. I love you like a brother and I will be for ever thankful that you saved me from that... you too Leo, that hammer came just in time."

Leo shrugged a little not wanting to take credit.

"And I guess I should tell you that you helped me with Annie too. She had this idea that I only continued looking for you because I was in love with you. How weird is that?" Percy grinned and laughed.

The three of them sat by the edge of the camp fire, Nico wanted to be as far away from it as he could due to the latest bonfire.

"So you and Annie are back?" Nico asked. "I'm glad. Maybe something in that god forbidden book will come true."

"I have to tell you something." Percy confessed, acting a little embarssed. "I read it.. or well not all but I started reading about me and Annie... I didn't finish it though, because of that dark spell that was in it."

"I can tell you everything you want to know." Nico said placing a hand on Percy's thigh. "But like Leo said, we make our own future and I think you rather live yours than hear it from me."

Percy nodded and got up to rejoin with Annabeth, Jason and Piper who sat closer to the fire. They talked to other campers, smiled and laughed. Even if they too had been a part of the Eos battle, something about their faces said that it was just like any other day for them. No one was killed, no one was badly hurt. The Apollo cabin quickly mended anything that could become a problem, so Annabeth's injury on her arm had been taken care of, and Leo had been checked over so that nothing was wrong with him.

Nico looked towards Leo, the son of Hephaestus sat slumped and stared far away into the trees. He didn't know how to pick him up, he hated seeing Leo sad but what was he supposed to say?

"Daddy?" Mina climbed onto Nico's lap. "Mommy went home, she said goodbye and gave me this, isn't it pretty?"

The small girl had a golden necklace around her thin neck, it had a golden locket that Nico didn't dare open.

"Mommy said that I should open it on my fourteenth birthday but I'll probably open it before I go to bed tonight." Mina smiled.

"You should listen to your mother." Nico scolded her, he brushed her hair with his fingers finally feeling at peace for having her close to him once again.

"Daddy?" she asked.

"What is is it Mina?"

"You should tell Leo that you love him." the small girl tried to whisper, and by try she said it like she normally talked, which meant that Leo could hear her. " He is sad because he doesn't think you love him."

"Baby, he knows I love him, but it's complicated." Nico explained wanting to end the conversation, he didn't want to bring Mina into this.

"Is it complicated because you said you loved that blond man?"

Beloved (boyxboy/Leico)Where stories live. Discover now