Chapter 14. Sunshine?

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Nico and the rest of the group made their way into camp at ten in the morning. Nico had been away for far to long and his fingers itched. He wanted to find his daughter more than anything, he wanted to say that he didn't mean to leave her all alone.

The camp looked like it always did. The strawberry fields that grew strong and beautiful. The big house that blended in to the surroundings. The stables were pegasis walked around and flicked their tails and neighed. The cabins that stood proud and tall even though they were to silent.

The group swiftly went and gathered weapons, which weren't that hard since no one was at camp. Nico felt like a burglar when he went around camp. He felt like he entered some big fancy mansion in the middle of the night when all the people had gone to sleep. But it was ten o'clock in what used to be a busy camp.

"Where is everyone?" Thalia asked, she had her bow ready.

"The beach or the arena, I'm sure of it." Annabeth breathed, she held a tight grip on the dagger that she had chosen and kept glancing down to her hip were a sword hanged.

"We split up, Nico, Annabeth you guys take the arena. Me and Leo will go to the beach." Thalia said nodding towards the beach.

"Mi amor, take care." Leo said pulling Nico in with strong arms.

"It's cool, I'll just kill everyone who is evil." Nico smirked but placed a feathery light kiss on his boyfriend's cheek just to calm him down.

"Make sure that Piper and Mina are safe if you see them."

"Same goes for you mio Caro."

They shared a last strong hug before separating, this wasn't a farewell scene in a chick flick. They were born warriors and if they died they died with honor. It's a harsh world to live in and demigods knew that all to well.

Nico felt a cold wind on his back when he followed the blond girl to the arena. He turned around just to see Leo disappear with his own black skull shirt. Sighing he ignored the cold, he could have easily gone to his cabin first and collect a shirt but he itched to see his daughter, to see that even though the camp was empty there weren't any danger.

Wishful thinking.

He hoped hat Chiron and Dionysus had done everything in their power to protect Mina, just like they swore on the river Styxx to do.

"So I never asked and I probably don't want to know but... why are you topless?" Annabeth asked as they got closer.

"Leo killed a hydra with his so I offered him mine. Better that I'm clear headed than obsessed with staring at Leo's abs." Nico joked bringing a small smile to Annabeth's lips.

"Smart, we all knows that Leo is a bit of a blond." she joked, they both knew that Leo was smart and strategic if the situation needed it.

Nico nodded, he tensed up when he saw the arena, his stomach made triple flips and destroyed his bravery. He was to nervous to function.

When they stood outside they heard shuffling of feet, soft murmurs, and crying. Something was up and that something wasn't good. When the crackle of fire begun they rushed in, Nico's heart had stopped beating and Annabeth held her breath. If Percy was in there she would never forgive herself if she didn't try to save him.

Inside the arena were all the demigods who should have been outside training, playing, living. Instead they all stood looking into the middle were three figures stood.

One of the figures were a tall dark haired boy who held a book to his chest, one hand safely around the book and the other held a lighter.

The second figure was a short girl that sat by the dark haired boy's feet. Her dark hair hid her face but Nico could hear how she cried.

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