Chapter 18. Desperate

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An early Christmas present, there will be one chapter left after this but then the story is over, I will say it in the next chapter too but thank you so much for reading, commenting, and liking it!

Nico got up, there was a ringing in his ear. He was sure that maybe Helios or Eos had hit him. Or some of the other fighters. It wouldn't be so weird since he was in the middle of a battle, topless, no protection what so ever. He really should find shirt.

He heard someone shout and turned around just in time to see Thalia rush forward and battle Eos sister, Selene. Selene had knocked him down to prevent him from harming the book. Selene had stopped him because it was her spell that he held and was going to destroy. If he destroyed it then Eos would walk free and leave them alone. Selene didn't want that. She wanted her sister to be tormented and punished. As if she wasn't tormented enough.

Thalia brought out a dagger from her sleeve, she stabbed after the goddess who swiftly moved away from the dagger. Thalia let out a grunt of irritation before moving faster. She was determined to destroy the thing that hurt her friends.

"Nico?!" he heard a girl scream.

This time he saw Kalei. Kalei with her long brown hair falling like a waterfall, her electric blue eyes were awake and startling. In her hands were a small box. A small box which contained five knives. His knives. They were made from similar material as his sword.

Kalei took out a knife and tossed it to him. It landed with a faint thud by his side. He smiled and gripped the knife tight. She screamed something more but he couldn't hear, she then gripped one of the other knives for herself and helped Thalia.

For a daughter of Demeter she was really good with fighting. He had thought that she would use her powers but there she was, swinging the knife after a goddess with the same determination as a hunter. Maybe if she would survive Thalia would ask her to join the hunt.

He was brought back to the present and stared down at the knife. She had tossed him number four. And just like some numbers cause unfortune, so did number 4 in some countries and religions. He thanked his lucky star for Kalei. She was brilliant.

He opened the book, cracking the spine.

"Hey Selene!" he screamed.

The moon goddess turned around, completely ignoring the arrow she got in her back. She looked calm and collected. Her hair was still perfect, her clothes weren't torn. She was just as she has always been. Wicked.

"I just wanted to let you know." he drove the knife into the book. "That I am free now. And so is Eos." another stab to the book. "So I suggest you run."

"Now why would I?" the goddess asked. "This isn't Harry Potter child, a knife to a book does nothing. You are not the chosen one." Selene huffed and threw her arm out, making Thalia and Kalei fall to the ground.

The knife and book hadn't made an effect on her at all. Leo was still dying. His friends were still fighting. He was still dying inside because he knew he wouldn't be able to save anyone. Then he mentally slapped himself. He had survived worse things than this.

He had walked through Tartaros alone, he had survived all those days in that stupid jar. He had survived the fucking labyrinth, he was the Ghost King. He had gotten his dad to fight a war he didn't want to be a part of. He had done so many things. He wasn't going to just lay down and die now.

"Because of this." he answered and threw the book into the fire.

Selene raised a hand and stopped the book just an inch from the fire. She had almost lost. She laughed, a manic laughter to show of how far gone she was. She was a retired god, it wasn't like she had a job anymore. Everyone thought that she and her siblings had faded. Anyone can go crazy from that.

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