Chapter 13. Letters To Hazel

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"So wait, you got a goddess pregnant after she... raped you?" Thalia asked with a hesitant voice.

"Yes. Her sister Selene had been wronged by her so she demanded payback. I was the one who Selene sent to torture Eos, problem was she tortured me more than the other way around." Nico explained. "I really don't want to go into it and explain everything, the bottom line is, I was there because I could never love her back. Once she truly loved me, and once she truly accepted Mina as her daughter, Selene sent us away. Now Eos wants us back and she is ready to murder someone for it."

"That's messed up." Thalia cringed and sought comfort from Annabeth by taking her hand. "Why haven't you said anything?"

Annabeth shrugged, what was there for her to say? I'm sorry? Sure that would go a long way but it's not something that Nico wanted to hear.

"My boyfriend is not messed up." Leo pouted and laid a protective arm over Nico, as if he marked his territory.

"But what if I am." Nico said and winked, although he couldn't fool his friends, they all heard the sadness underneath the cheekiness.

"Then I'm even more messed up than you." Leo said proudly kissing Nico's cheek. "And besides haven't you heard? Messed up is the new sexy."

"I thought you were going to say that Messed up was the new sizzling hot but hey, I'm not judging." Nico said raising his hands in surrender.

"Well it's both then. How does it feel to be sizzling hot and über sexy?" Leo asked.

"Feels god damn fine." Thalia butted in. "Now battle strategy. We now know that Eos is coming for us, does she has any allies?"

"Her sister Selene I guess,she will just be there to prevent Eos from doing something to actually damage Selene. Then we have Nyx, and I think if Eos is stubborn enough she can get Helios on her side too."

Nyx, the personification of the night, and Helios the personification of the sun. Both gods could play a good game with Eos, the goddess of dawn.

"Other than that I don't think so. Eos can manipulate people and gods alike, we got to be prepared for anything." Nico swallowed. "I have a feeling that something is already about to happen."

"All the more reason to fight. Now weapons, what do we have?" Thalia asked placing her bow and arrow in front of her.

Leo patted his tool belt, he didn't pick up the hammer or the screwdriver, he thought that the girls and Nico could figure that much out by themselves.

Annabeth laid a dagger in her lap. It was the length of her forearm, made of imperial gold, the hilt was blue-ish with a green jewel on it.

Nico just shrugged, he had a weapon but out of fear for the goddess that hunted him he didn't dare summon it.

"That's not good, well I guess we will have to get more weapons at camp. We should be there by tomorrow, so who'll take first watch." Thalia said picking up her bow and strapping it to her back. "Leo?"

He nodded, no one wanted to question Thalia, the right hand of Artemis. So as the girls fell asleep around the fire Leo stayed wide awake. He sat a little away from camp, wanting to have a good look on everything but still be close to them all.

Nico sat down beside him. Nico had divided feelings, one part of him wanted nothing more but to sit with Leo, make him laugh and talk for all night and make Leo forget about sleep. The other part of Nico wanted to run and run fast.

For somewhere deep down Nico was afraid of what Leo might do, he knew he would never hurt him but that what he had thought about Eos too in the beginning. How he hated it that the past made an effect on him. He just wanted to shrug off all those feelings, he wanted to be close to Leo, but yet again he knew about Leo's future without him.

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