Chapter 6. Gleaming Grins and Shocking Spells

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Nico felt alone. He had run away from camp so many times that a lot of the campers thought that he had just got up and left. He didn't tell the truth, not even to Leo who he had started talking normally to him again even if it was still awkward at times.
   He was still lonely, no one talked to him; Jason and Piper had an apartment near Percy's mother and step-father; Percy was still at camp but now he was a teacher together with the Athena kids. He held sword fights and Monster class 101. Leo was still a cabin leader at Cabin 9, hiding away in the bunker from time to time.
   Mina was of playing, on the first day there Nico had gotten Dionysus and Chiron to swear on the river Styx that his daughter shall have a normal childhood and be protected at camp. That meant that Mina could sit at any table in the dining pavilion, she could go into what ever cabin she wanted, she didn't have to stick with Nico while he slowly returned to camp schedule. It also meant that Nico didn't have that many left to talk too and seeing his daughter run of and talk to whoever she wanted made a hole in his heart. For five years she has been only his, he never parted from her unless her mother came 'home'.

"Excuse me are you... Nico?" a tall girl stood by the cabin door. Her hazelnut colored hair reached her hips and flowed down around her head like a waterfall. She had big blue, like scary electrical blue, eyes. "I was, or I-I am a friend of H-Hazel."

Nico smiled and stepped out of the dark cabin thirteen, nothing much had changed about the dark and depressing cabin.

"I am Kalei, I... Hazel wanted to give you this but then she had to go back t-to... Jupiter." Kalei blushed and hid behind her hair. Shyness oozed of her.

"Thank you." he said and took the small letter that she held in her hand.

Once the letter was gone from her hand she gently and quietly stepped away and ran back to her cabin, the Athena cabin. Or well, she never went inside but she sat down on the small porch and opened up a book.

Nico sat down directly where he stood and opened the letter. Two pages, full of text, Nico could feel his ADHD burn through his fingers. Even if he wanted to he would never muster up enough concentration today to read the whole letter.

He sighed, stashed the letter in his back pocket and went to the arena. He needed to talk to someone and since he figured that Leo was in the bunker then he could talk to Percy.

"Neeks!" a happy Percy screamed as he fought of an eleven-year-old.

"I need to talk." Nico responded, he took up his sword from the shadows, something that he had become really good at, during his isolation in the mansion he figured out a lot about his powers and made some progress on the things that he already knew. Nico knew that he shouldn't use magic but he felt somewhat secure at camp so he tested the limit.

The eleven-year-old stepped away shielding her sword and got back together with the rest of her cabin siblings that all stood and watched Percy with big eyes.

"You will have to fight me."

"Bring it on kelp head." Nico sneered with a grin.

"No need to be rude."

Their swords met each other with a metallic clang, then they danced. Nico had missed fighting with Percy, the amazing swords man that he had once fell in love with. Now he only studied and learned Percy's tricks so that he could beat him.

"I got a letter from Hazel."

"Read it." Percy said effortlessly and made a move to stab Nico in the foot but he easily danced away.

"Can't, too much ADHD." Nico swung his sword in a circle just to show of, the audience let loose an aww-sound. "But I wanted to know if you have talked to her since I left."

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