Chapter 7. In Which You Get Jason and A Kiss

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   When he and Piper moved out of camp to New York, they thought that everything would work out. True they had their problems and fights but they loved each other very much. And the stress from seeing Leo devastated was no more since the Ghost King had returned.
   They had Sunday dinners with Sally and Paul Blofis, they took long walks in whatever park they stumbled upon, they fought of monsters that came around every now and again.

   It was hard not living at camp, the apartment wasn't protected and it had been a couple of times were monsters almost destroyed the whole house.

Jason always thought that they were happy even though all of this. Searching for Nico on free time, working in café's or shops got the economy a loft, hanging out in bars and getting to have online classes to work up their high school grades.

Now he didn't know anymore.

Piper had stormed out the night before, muttering about bad grades and that her mother had visited in her dreams. When Jason tried to comfort his girlfriend she had snapped and started arguing that it wasn't easy anymore. Of course it wasn't, they were young adults, eighteen, nineteen years old. Things were supposed to be hard.

"So..." Percy said strolling around the apartment, he was there on a short visit just to cheer his friend up. "Nice place."


"Are you over? Done? Broken up?"

"Don't think so." Jason said with a sigh. "I hope not, I really do love her."

"She has changed." Percy commented picking up books, trying to read the description but giving up since his dyslexia screwed the words up.

"After Gaea a lot of us changed. She lost two of her siblings, she lost Leo for a while there. She has a kind heart but the war messed her up good." Jason responded, his fingers twitched in a way that Leo's used to. Jason thought that his ADHD were getting worse the older he got, maybe it was a demigod problem that only got worse?

"Annie wasn't the same either, I tried helping her, I still love her. It wasn't enough. After I started helping out with finding Nico something snapped. She... she got jealous and paranoid and then she just ended it. Saying that I should be with Nico since he made me happy."

"Did you love Nico back?"

"No, I love him like a brother but nothing more." Percy smiled a little. "I was flattered that Nico fancied me, looking back I can't believe how oblivious I was."

"You still are."

"What do you mean?" Percy sat down next to Jason on the couch.

"That girl from Nemesis's cabin. She stares at you a lot and always tries to find excuses to talk to you, it's really cute." Jason said, settling with playing with his shirt, his restless fingers would probably stop soon.

"She's nice but-"

"You love Annie, like I love Piper. Do you think that if Piper and I broke up... do you think I could ever move on?"

Percy took Jason's hand in his. He swallowed hard. "I never stopped loving Annie, I never will, she was my first love and that one always stays with you. I believe it will be the same with you."

"Is it hard?"

"No, you get used to it, miss them sometimes but it's not hard. I am ready to date again and you will be too if you and Piper broke up. Not right away of curse but... give it time."

"Thanks for coming over." Jason whispered, placing his head on Percy's shoulder.

"No problem... bro." Percy leaned his head a top of Jason's.

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