Chapter 5: End of First Year

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§Word§ = Parseltongue (Alt+0167)

"Word" = Speech

"Bold" = Foreign language

'Thought' = Thoughts

[Date] = Date and Day


[January Fifth 1992: Sunday]

Jean, Apolline, Harry and his landed on Platform Nine and Three Quarters as it was just to become crowded.

"Bye Mum, Dad," Harry told his parents as he hugged them.

"Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Delacour," Harry's best friends chanted in unison to the two adults.

"It was our pleasure, girls," Apolline told them. "And how many times do I have to tell you to call me Apolline?"

"Sorry," the girls chanted in unison again. Apolline shot them all an exasperated look as she knew that they did it just to annoy her.

"Have fun, children," Jean spoke to Harry and his friends.

"Bye," Harry said as he stepped onto the train followed by the girls.

The girls followed Harry towards the end of the train to find an empty compartment.

Harry sat down in the middle of one of the benches only for the twins to sit down and snuggle up against him. He rolled his eyes as he heard them purring softly while he stroked their hair.

"It's a good thing that Fleur isn't the jealous type," Harry pointed out as he ran his fingers through the two girls' hair, idly wondering how they got it so soft and silkily.

All four girls turned to him with wide eyes as they shuddered as one at the thought of an angry Veela after them for touching her mate.

Harry laughed loudly at their expressions which made the girls all pout at him.

"Now that I think about it," Hermione said as her brow crinkled in thought, "Why doesn't she have a problem that you have four female best friends that you're close to?"

Harry smiled slightly, "She doesn't mind because she knows she can trust me not to do anything. I may flirt with you four but I would never touch another girl if it meant that Fleur wasn't comfortable with it."

"So because she's comfortable with you touching other girls you do?" Padma asked from her spot next to Harry.

"There's a difference between being close and cheating," Harry told them. "The most the five of us do is hold hands and cuddle. It's not ever going beyond that and Fleur knows that."

The girls looked mildly disappointed at that statement.

Harry's own face softened at the girls' faces. "I know you four like me," Harry said softly, he saw the girls about to protest so he held up his hand which quieted them. "Don't deny it. If you want something more than holding hands and cuddling then you're going to have to convince Fleur."

"And you really think she would share her mate?" Daphne snorted out.

"I don't know," Harry told her. "But if you don't try then you won't know will you?"

Hermione looked deep in thought before her face lit up in realization, "I know the reason she trusts you so much. I forgot I read something about Veela. They can smell the scent of other women on their mates once they bond to them and since you see Fleur every weekend she smells your scent every week."

Harry smiled at her, "Yes, they can smell other girls on you. According to my mum the scent lasts about a month before it goes away. But Fleur also trusts me not to do anything."

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