Chapter 10: Third Year

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§Word§ = Parseltongue (Alt+0167)

"Word" = Speech

"Bold" = Foreign language

'Thought' = Thoughts

[Date] = Date and Day


[September First 1993: Wednesday]

"I can't wait to start the elective classes," Hermione said excitedly as she bounced up and down in her seat. The group was sitting in a compartment on the having already said goodbye to their family.

"Just how many electives are you taking?" Harry asked her. Rebecca was curved around Hermione's waist.

Hermione blushed, "All of them."

"Only you, Hermione," Harry shook his head, "Have fun in Divination though."

Time stretched on in comfortable silence and soon Harry grew bored.

"Harry!" Daphne shouted out suddenly. Her cheeks were flushed and she was breathing heavily.

"What?" the twins and Hermione asked together.

Daphne took a few deep breathes before speaking, "He took me into Tunnel, got me all worked up then just stuck me back in my seat."

"Harry, that was rude," Hermione scolded him.

"I think it's fun," Harry smirked. "Come here, Daphne," he said as he spread his legs. Daphne gave Harry a glare even as she moved between his legs.

"Harry, that's kind of harsh," Hermione said. She got up from her place next to Harry and sat in between the twins.

"Daphne doesn't mind, do you?" Harry asked as he locked, silenced and tinted the windows. He then warded the compartment against anyone that might want to look in. There was no way that someone was seeing his girls naked.

All Daphne did was blush deeper as she undid Harry's pants. Harry leant back and smirked at Hermione who was also blushing between the twins.


[September First 1993: Wednesday]

"New Defense Professor," Hermione commented from her spot next to Harry.

"Hopefully he's not like Lockhart," Daphne shuddered as she thought about the man.

"Welcome! Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! I have a few things to say, before we become befuddled by our excellent feast. I myself am particularly looking forward to the flaming kiwi cups, which, while somewhat treacherous for those of us with facial hair..." Dumbledore said his speech.

Professor McGonagall cleared her throat at the very old wizard's speech.

"Speech faked," Harry muttered.

"Mm. Yes. First, I'm pleased to welcome Professor R.J. Lupin, who has kindly consented to fill the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor. Good luck to you, Professor." Dumbledore finished

Harry growled lowly, only heard by his girls. They looked worriedly at him.

"What's wrong, Harry?" Hermione whispered quietly in concern.

"Lupin was a best friend of my parents," Harry said with anger in his voice. "He left me at the Dursleys."

"Maybe he couldn't take care of you," Padma pointed out gently.

"Maybe," Harry was forced to agree. "But he could have at least checked on me when I was there."

"Point," Padma conceded.

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