Chapter 12: Polyjuice and Champions

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§Word§ = Parseltongue (Alt+0167)

"Word" = Speech

"Bold" = Foreign language

'Thought' = Thoughts

[Date] = Date and Day


[September First 1994: Monday]

"Did you hear the stories about last week at the lower end tent area?" Jean asked his son as they weaved their way through the platform nine and three quarters.

Harry shook his head at his adopted father, "I've been busy with the girls and setting up my international agriculture business."

"How is that going by the way?" Jean asked.

"Good so far," Harry told the man. "I'm going to be making about ten million pounds a month selling to the mundane world until I acquire more ward stones."

Jean nodded in pride at the young man beside him. While Harry had become more independent sooner than Jean expected he couldn't be more proud of Harry.

"Well," Jean began. "There were supposedly Death Eaters terrorizing muggles and someone cast Voldemort's Mark into the sky."

"Interesting," Harry thought. "I don't think that it was a sudden riot. I'll be on the lookout for the slightest suspicious thing."

"Good idea." Jean agreed. "I'll keep my ear out at the Ministry and there's your girls," Jean said when he saw the group of girls standing together. "I'll see you this weekend." Jean clapped Harry on his shoulder before activating his portkey that whisked him away.

"Hey Harry," Harry's four Hogwarts girls spoke in unison as they saw him approaching.

"Hey girls," Harry greeted even though he had seen them this morning. The only reason he hadn't arrived with them was that he was seeing off Fleur.

Harry led the now fourth year girls onto the train and to a compartment that was empty. He sat down and almost immediately Hermione and Daphne sat next to him. The twins pouted at the three but sat across from them.

"You were with him all summer," Hermione pointed out when she saw the pouts.

"One can never have enough Harry time," Daphne spoke seriously.

Harry rolled his eyes at their antics.

"So two months until Fleur arrives at Hogwarts and you make the entire school hate you," Parvati commented.

"Like I care," Harry shrugged. He put his arms around Hermione and Daphne then drew them to him. "I already have all my girls, everyone else can go fuck themselves."

"What are we going to do in the two long months without Fleur?" Parvati pouted out childishly.

"We'll see her every weekend," Harry told the Indian girl while he rolled his eyes.

"It's not the same as her being in bed with us every night," Padma pointed out.

"It's not," Harry conceded. He then moved onto a different topic, "As Fleur will most likely be the Beauxbatons Champion, I want you four finished with NEWT theory by the time she arrives."

"Why?" Hermione asked from her spot snuggled into his side.

"When Fleur's chosen as Champion, I plan on training her intensively. I've read up on this tournament and one or more people usually die while participating. I want you four to join in that training," Harry answered the brunette.

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