Chapter 6: Knowledge and Talks

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§ = Parseltongue (Alt+0167)

"Word" = Speech

"Bold" = Foreign language

'Thought' = Thoughts

[Date] = Date and Day


[July Third 1992: Friday]

Harry sat, two weeks into summer break, on a chair in the massive Delacour library. Fleur was lying on a across from him reading one of her schoolbooks.

Harry's attention was drawn from his book when he heard a mental ping from his mindscape. Checking his mental interface, he noticed that Dumbledore's mind was finished.

"Dumbledore's mind has finished," Harry told Fleur who looked up from her book.

"Snape's mind download is already done, non?" Fleur asked. "You should sort Snape's mind first then Dumbledore's"

"Alright," Harry agreed as he fully entered his mindscape. After a moment of pause, he sat in his control chair and immersed himself in his mind.

Harry sorted through Snape's memories, zooming through Snape's childhood. He transcribed the memories into text format then threw the actual memories away. He threw useless memories away, not even bothering to transcribe them.

There were a few memories Harry kept, like Snape's third year when he let half of Slytherin House bugger him the entire year whenever they wanted. It would make lovely blackmail material.

After sorting through all of Snape's Hogwarts years, gaining enough knowledge to take the Potions Mastery test.

Harry lost his concentration when he viewed one particular memory that had to deal with his parents' death. He screamed out in rage, gaining Fleur's attention.

"Harry?" Fleur asked, concern in her voice.

"Snape," Harry hissed out. Fleur saw Harry's eyes glow a bluish green and knew that he was about to lose control.

"Calm down, love," Fleur whispered in Harry's ear. She wrapped her arms around him while rubbing his back.

After a few minutes, Harry was calm enough to hug Fleur back.

"Thank you, Flower," Harry whispered back to his Veela who was humming in his ear. If it wasn't for her he would have Tunneled to wherever Snape was and killed him.

"That's what I'm here for," Fleur told him with laughter in her voice.

"Yes, emotional support and sex," Harry said cheekily. Fleur slapped him on the chest and pouted at him. "You know I love you."

"You better," Fleur told him. "What did you find out that has you so mad?"

"There's a prophecy about me and Voldemort," Harry said before he paused. "Apparently, Snape heard the first half before being thrown out of the pub. He ran straight to Voldemort and told him. That's the reason Voldemort targeted my parents, because of Snape."

"That bastard," Fleur said softly. "He'll pay but you can't just kill him when you first see him. I'm not losing you because you went off half cocked."

"You're right," Harry admitted. "But he will die by my hands."

"If you want," Fleur told him, not even bothered by the fact that Harry just said he was going to kill someone.

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