Chapter 7: Snakes, Dueling Club

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§Word§= Parseltongue (Alt+0167)

"Word" = Speech

"Bold" = Foreign language

'Thought' = Thoughts

[Date] = Date and Day


[September First 1992: Tuesday]

Harry, the girls and his parents stood on the platform 9 and 3/4s on September first. Fleur had already portkeyed to Beauxbatons earlier that morning.

"Bye Mum, Dad," Harry told his parents as he and the girls boarded the train.

"Harry," Apolline called out making Harry stop.

"Go get a compartment," Harry told his four best friends. They nodded their heads and disappeared into the train.

"Yes?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow. Apolline glanced at Jean who took the hint and backed away to give them privacy.

"I've noticed that you and Daphne have been acting closer since yesterday," Apolline told him.

Harry's other eyebrow raised. His mum was very perceptive. "Daphne and I have decided to start dating."

Apolline narrowed her eyes and asked icily, "Do what?"

"Oh calm the bloody hell down," Harry snapped at her, making Apolline jolt in surprise as Harry had never talked to her like that. "I don't like that you're implying that I'm cheating on Fleur and don't even let me explain."

Apolline's face softened. "I'm sorry," she said softly. "What's going on?"

Harry stared at her before answering, "I'm wearing Fleur out and actually hurting her because of my runes. She's given me permission to date other girls which translates into just Hermione, Daphne and the twins."

"Oh," Apolline muttered. "I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions."

"It's fine," Harry told her.

"Why only Daphne?" Apolline asked.

"Hermione wants to find her own guy if she can," Harry stated before laughing. "You should have seen Hermione's face when Fleur told her that she had to stay a virgin because Fleur didn't want her mate to have sloppy seconds."

Apolline's face turned a little pink as she muttered about blunt daughters.

"The twins have to have their father's permission in person to start dating," Harry explained. "So I'm going to invite them the day after Christmas so we can discuss a betrothal contract because they want to join the group."

"You're starting a harem," Apolline sighed. She then squealed loudly as she gathered Harry into a hug. "My son is so manly!"

As soon as it begun, Apolline had let go of him and looked around to see who had seen that. "You didn't see that."

"Yes I did and it's good blackmail material," Harry told her as he kissed her cheek. "Bye!" Harry yelled out as he ran onto the train."

He laughed as he heard a yell of "Harry James".

Harry walked down the train until he found the girls.


[September First 1992: Tuesday]

Harry and the girls were sitting in the compartment, Hermione and the twins on one side with Daphne snuggled up to Harry on the other side.

"Hmm," Daphne hummed as she burrowed her head into Harry's chest and inhaled his scent.

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