Chapter 9: The Chamber

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§Word§ = Parseltongue (Alt+0167)

"Word" = Speech

"Bold" = Foreign language

'Thought' = Thoughts

[Date] = Date and Day


[May Eighth 1993: Saturday]

It wasn't until the of May that anything of mention happened to Harry and his girls. Harry was woken up in the middle of the night by a burst of fear.

'Who is that?' Harry asked generally to his bond mates.

'Harry!' Hermione's voice shouted out into everyone's mind. 'I think the Basilisk is outside the library.'

'What the hell are you doing out there alone?' Harry asked even as he put his clothes on. He concentrated on the bond and Tunneled toward Hermione. As he exited his Tunnel he came onto a sight he didn't want to see.

Hermione was lying flat on her back, stiff as a board. Harry rushed to her side and felt her neck and found her hard as a rock. He leant back and sighed, Hermione had been petrified.

'Hermione's been petrified, girls,' Harry said guiltily into the rest of the girls' minds.

'It's not your fault, Hermione shouldn't have been out by herself,' Fleur told Harry.

'I should have killed the Basilisk when I found out about it,' Harry told her in return.

'No, it wasn't your problem. I'm sorry and sad that Hermione got petrified but it wasn't your problem,' Daphne said. Harry felt the twins' agreement over the bond.

Harry sat down and placed his hand over forehead. He took a deep breath and sent the might of his entire mind towards her. His mind came across shields that were staggeringly strong and figured that it must be the petrifaction.

The young wizard looked over the shields and found that they were rock solid. He found that he couldn't break them without hurting Hermione. He was about to withdraw from Hermione's mind when he felt a low signal coming from inside Hermione's mind.

Harry immediately latched onto the signal and found that it was the bond he shared with Hermione. He boosted the connection as much as he could.

The only thing coming through the bond at the moment was fear. Harry sent calming feelings and love through the bond and the fear seemed to subside.

'How do we fix her?" Parvati asked into their minds.

'A potion that takes Mandrake root but the mandrakes at the school won't be ready for a month or two,' Padma said, they could feel her grimace.

'I'll be damned if I just wait for the school,' Harry said hotly. He sent a mental command to one of his house elves to buy Mandrake Restorative Draught from wherever they could find it, no matter the price.

Five minutes later a pop sounded next to Harry and he turned to see a house elf holding out a potion to him.

Harry took the potion from the house elf and placed the brim against Hermione's lips. He eased the potion down her throat. The potion bottle was soon emptied of its contents. Harry drew Hermione into his lap to wait for her to wake up.

Slowly but surely, color started to return to Hermione's pale cheeks. She shifted ever so slightly in Harry's lap.

"Come back to me, Hermione," Harry whispered to the seemly sleeping girl.

Hermione's eyelids felt heavy as she opened her eyes to see Harry above her. He had a concerned look on his face that made her feel warm inside.

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