Chapter 14: Yule ball and Gringotts

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§Word§ = Parseltongue (Alt+0167)

"Word" = Speech

"Bold" = Foreign language

'Thought' = Thoughts

[Date] = Date and Day


[December Tenth 1994: Thursday]

"As some of you know, there is a Yuletide Ball on Christmas Day," Professor Flitwick announced to the Ravenclaw common. "However only fourth years and above will be able to attend. Third years will be able to attend if asked by a higher year."

Harry groaned from his spot surrounded by the girls. He had forgotten all about the Yule Ball because of how busy he was.

"I want to know how to choose a partner out of five girls," Harry asked the girls in general.

"We've already discussed this," Padma answered him.

"You're taking Hermione and Fleur," Parvati added.

"And why is that?" Harry asked amusedly.

"Hermione is the only one that hasn't fully committed to you," Daphne stressed the word fully as her lips curved up into a smile.

Hermione's face lit up bright red as she, along with the rest of the group, caught the innuendo.

With a blush still on her face Hermione said, "I think I can be ready by then."

Harry looked mildly surprised at her statement but smirked as the surprise left his face.

"Who are you three going to go with?" Harry asked.

"Pad and I are going to take Daphne," Parvati said with a small smile.

"Kinky," Harry commented, making the twins laugh and Daphne blush lightly.


[December Tenth 1994: Thursday]

"So I have to share you at the Yule Ball?" Fleur asked with an elegant eyebrow raised.

"Oh don't give me that," Harry chastised lightly. "You were the one that wanted to start the harem in the first place."

Fleur's face flushed, something uncommon on her, and giggled lightly. "If I have to share you during the Ball then you have to share her during the night."

"Deal," Harry said with glazed eyes. Fleur's light giggle turned into full blown laughter as she knew that he was imagining her and Hermione.

"Delacour!" a voice that grated on everyone's nerves.

"What do you want, little boy?" Fleur asked condescendingly. Malfoy's pale face was pasty from the tone and the swift walk over making him look like he had a skin disease.

"I want to do you the honor of having a Malfoy taking you to the Yule Ball," Malfoy said with his chest puffed out to try and make himself look more important. Malfoy then made of look that he thought was a smirk but just made him look constipated. "Then we'll have some fun after the Ball."

Fleur actually had to stop herself from throwing up at the blond boy's last statement. "You're an idiot, aren't you?"

"What?" Malfoy asked shocked at her not immediately saying yes.

"I'm a bound Veela," Fleur said very slowly. At Malfoy's still confused look she felt like screaming. "I am bound to Harry and Harry alone. Let's disregard the fact that you're one of the ugliest boys I've ever met, do you even know what a Veela being bound means?"

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