Chapter 2: First week

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§Word§ = Parseltongue (Alt+0167)

"Word" = Speech

"Bold" = Foreign language

'Thought' = Thoughts

[Date] = Date and Day


Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.


A/N: Sorry for the long update. I write pretty slow. The update time for this fic will most likely be two weeks to a month. I do have other stuff in my life besides writing.

Thanks for all of the reviews. I got 50 in the first week.

Anway, on the subject of Gabby. Everyone is asking where she is. In short, she doesn't exist in this fic. She would have been conceived around the time that the Delacours adopted Harry. I figure that Gabby wouldn't be conceived if they had Harry.

A big thanks to both stargatesg1fan1 and michaelsuave for the beta of this story. Without them you would be riddled with errors.


[September first 1991: Sunday]

Harry hadn't been away from his family for more than a week since he had moved in with the Delacours. Leaving his family behind on the train platform, Harry entered the train and wiped his eye, he was surprised to find a tear in it.

After making sure no one had seen his girly moment, Harry continued down the train corridor. He walked past compartments filled with students but ignored them in the hopes of finding an empty one.

When it looked like he wasn't going to find an empty compartment, Harry knocked on one of the compartments that held four girls. Inside of the compartment was a pair of twins, a raven haired girl, and a bushy haired brunette.

Now most boys would flee at the sight of a room full of girls. Harry on the other hand wasn't most boys, having grown up with several strongly independent Veela. He wasn't afraid of four young girls. What could they do to him compared to living with two Veela or being forced to attend one of the Delacour's large family reunions; with more than two thirds of the extended Delacour family being one hundred percent Veela. If the young wizard could survive that, he could survive four normal girls.

Knock, Knock.

Harry's knuckles rapped on the window of the compartment door. All four girls turned their heads towards the door and stared at Harry through the piece of window. One of the twins stood up and opened the door, since she was the closest.

"Can we help you?" the girl asked politely.

Harry nodded his head and smiled at the girl as he politely asked, "I was wondering if I could sit here with you."

The girl looked back to the other three girls who all shrugged. The girl that answered the door stepped aside and allowed Harry to enter the compartment. Harry lifted his trunk over his head without any visible effort, placed it in an upper rack and settled it into place.

He noticed that the raven haired girl didn't seem to be moving from her place beside the brunette so he sat down in between the twins. All four girls stared at him until he rolled his eyes.

"I guess no one is going to tell me their names unless I go first?" Harry asked sarcastically. He saw that the raven haired girl nodded with a smirk on her face. "I'm Harry Potter." Harry saw the four girls' eyes widen but the quartet thankfully didn't go into fan-girl mode.

"I'm Padma Patil," the girl on the Harry's right spoke up.

"I'm Parvati Patil," the girl on his left added.

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