Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Ja'Kiya .

The next morning when I woke up, I didn't recognize the room I was in. I looked around a couple of times and concluded it was King's room. "Damn, I slept over here?" I spoke my comment aloud.

I threw the heavy covers off my body and went to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet and peed for what felt like forever. After I was done, I washed my hands and just stared at my reflection for a long time. I couldn't remember everything that happened last night, clearly.

"Morning," said King interrupting my thoughts. He was looking at me from outside of the opened bathroom door.

"Good morning."


"Yeah. Do you have any extra toothbrushes?"

He laughed. "Breath kicking, huh?"

"Bitch, just tell me where they at," I said with a flipped middle finger.

He pointed to the closet behind me. I rolled my eyes at him and opened the closet door. The toothbrushes were too high for me to reach. King saw me struggling and chuckled. I gave him the stank eye. That's when he decided to come behind me, grab my waist, and pass them to me.

"Stupid giant ass, wanna put shit where nobody can reach the shit."

"It's not my fault you a fuckin' dwarf, short ass!"

"Whatever," I replied. I can't lie, I like the fact that I can play with him and be stupid.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face. When I walked out the bathroom King was smoking a fat ass blunt. Was this the breakfast this nigga had in mind?

"Come sit right here," he said, patting the space next to him on his bed. I sat down and the blunt smelled so fucking good.


I took it from his hands and took four long drags. Lawd, this nigga is starting to look better and better. He is definitely somebody I can roll with. Wait- what the fuck was I saying? It must be this damn woo-lah in my hand. I handed it back to him.

"What's wrong?" he looked confused.

"Nothing. That's another woo-lah, huh?"

"Yeah, I thought you liked your shit laced with angel dust," he replied even more confused.

I giggled, "I do, I just don't wanna do too many back to back."

"Yeah, I getchu, but let's just gon' 'head and finish this one."

"Cool," I said taking the blunt back.

Fifteen minutes later we were in the car driving to iHop. I loved their chicken and waffles with a passion.

"You wanna sit in there or order to go?"

"To go!" I exclaimed fast. I looked a hot fucking mess! My clothes from last night seemed to be "missing", so I had to put on his big ass t-shirt and big ass basketball shorts. He thought he was slick, but I knew he just wanted me to wear his clothes.

He laughed super hard. "Damn ma, you don't look that bad. Remember that is a nigga's clothes."

"Exactly, that's why this shit look like this on me!" I pouted and he just stared at me.

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